Emily/Calleigh #9: 'Charlie's missing 4th Angel!'

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Hey guys! I found some pretty new pictures of Emily here
Here's one of them
No prob bob :) I don't know who the photographer is, it might say on the website that I linked to, but otherwise I have no idea, sorry.

^^ Thats a real pretty picture of here. Great one, thanks so much for finding it and shearing it.
She is always doing so great on photoshoots. She can be a model but she is to short. :( But that would be a problem for me, i love short people.. Hahaha..
(okay that just didnt make any sense sorry )

I missed the kissing part of Calleigh & Josh, so can anyone tell wich epi it was? Our the dutch People in this thread did it air already on tv in Holland (or am i just a dork now?) ?
Berylla Nienna said:

I missed the kissing part of Calleigh & Josh, so can anyone tell wich epi it was?

I guess it was in the last episode of season 5, 'Born to Kill'. I couldn't watch it either *snief*
And I sooo like that d...og! Yay! That's a cute one, fits perfectly to Emily :D
Helloooooo! I made a scan of that 50000$ dress (and Emily in it ;) ) ...and the dog and the car...

I don't think I could ever wear a 5k dress! I would be too afraid to move in it or do anything that might ruin it. :lol:

That dog is soo big my neice could ride it like a horse! Not to mention I think Emily could too!
I wonder what kind of pet Calleigh would have? I think the only csi on Miami that has a pet is Alex, who has at leat one cat. They had her on the phone telling one of the kids not to feed it potato chips. I would think that after awhile they might prefer animals to people with all they would have to put up with.
I could picture Emily's character maybe having a cat. I wouln't picture Calleigh as dog person; at least not if she lives be herself and especially with the hours she keeps at work.

I could definately see Alexx with a pet and her kids feeding it all the wrong food!
Maind if I join tha thread? :)

I have to addmite it, I looooooooove herª!
I don't know what was wrong with me before, I thought she wasn't really that pretty, god, I might have been blind or something cause, she's not pretty she's GORGEOUS!!

Looove that pic with the dog! I love her smile!
Just yesterday I saw a lot of pics from different photochoots...she's always looking good! :lol:

Doesn't Emily actually have a cat named Kevin? I think someone posted a little piece of an article that said what she looved most was her cat and high heels, or did I got it wrong?

Edit: Sorry, you were talking about Emily's character not Emily herself.
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