Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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I'm talking about posing naked. Completely naked. Not other movies, but just nude-pics. Even with certain...toys... :eek: I liked the pics though, but I didn't expect that from Emily. I think Emily is a completely different person in my eyes from now on :lol: But still veeery sexy and cute.
Are you sure its her?? Doesn't sound like her...maybe it's manips or something. I've never heard of Emily doing pics like that, I don't know, to me she never seemed like someone who'd do that...
I saw them too, and if they're photoshopped, they're damn good. I never thought of her as a person for that either.
Listen, I manipped photo's before. I was not really good at it, but good enough too see if something was a manip or not. The pictures are 2000*1500 pixels. That's high, very high quality. Then it's impossible to hide manipulations. I found one manip though, but that one was from another photographer. But the other ones are real.
I don't mean to be rude now, but please be a bit more realistic! You can't just take everything you see/read on the internet seriously. There are probably thousands of fake nude pics for every celeb you can think of out there. Same with written stuff - everybody can invent stories and post them, and I've seen it on other boards that people really believe stories like: "I had sex with blabla!" or "I met this celebrity!". I'm not accusing anybody right now, I just wanted to say: Be a bit more suspicious! About everything you find on the internet!
Ok, enough mumtalk.... back to work...
The problem is, I didn't found it on the internet. I found it on the Gnutella-network. And I am suspicious, I don't believe anything off-hand, but I can assure you these pictures are real. And I can understand why. When you have a beautiful body, and you get the chance to show it... And if anyone wants to check it, PM me, and I give you my mailaddress. No problem. :cool: And I don't want to upset everybody here, but I was surprised to find this pics, and I wanted to share it with y'all.
Hey now, I was not attacking anyone here, so let's all please calm down and move to the next topic, 'cause this is going the wrong way.

How was Calleigh's role in High Octane? Nice scenes?
i think everybody is write it can not be Emily not her style and maybe we can talk about more nicer things about emily. She is much more word than that negative things.. :eek: I dont like to hear things like that.. I cant imagen that she would do a thing like that.. She is to beautiful and sweet for it.. :(
Alright, let's make this clear. Some people made me look again. I'm still not convinced, but because some pictures are a bit suspicious, I'll consider them all fake. So, I apologize very much for the unwanted commotion. Sorry. But back to the topic indeed, I haven't seen high octane :( I'm always behind :(
*comes in peace* :)

Those pics are manips, I'm 100% sure. Emily never did anything worse than Body Shots (which I'm glad she shot :p), so let's not even go there. Can't you see her shining halo? She's an angel. :)
An angel? Yes, and a veeery beautiful one. I forgot to say I love the curly hair, however, her hair has always been beautiful.
LMAO It looks like I missed the whole fun here hm?!
I don't wanna heat things up again but I've seen the pics...and to be honest how can somebody think they're real?? Those are just some really bad manips. And it's a shame that celebrities like Emily have to deal with stuff like that. I just think this is disgusting and doesn't belong here. We respect Emily or am I wrong?
WatchinCSI said:
An angel? Yes, and a veeery beautiful one. I forgot to say I love the curly hair, however, her hair has always been beautiful.
*steers away from the other topic*

I LOOOOVE Calleigh's hair. Everytime I see someone with long blonde hair like her, I think to myself "damn! She has Calleigh hair" and then I glare because I want it and every time I look at a picture of Emily I think "Damnit she's so pretty I hate her and her big green eyes" lol. I wish I was half as pretty as her.
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