Emily/Calleigh #8: 'Making Soda Cans Explode!'

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Calleigh___x said:
Yeah, Ryan wouldn't be a matchmaker more like a heartbreaker.
I happen to like Ryan, so please...keep that to yourself ;)

The dress is pretty? What about the woman IN the dress?? :eek:
omg!thanks for the pictures!!she looks fantastic!! :D

^the dress and the woman in it are more than pretty and you know it!! ;)
As far as Lorenzo goes... She could do so much better.

Me, perhaps.

I saw Breast Men once. I stayed up till 3 in the morning to watch the whole thing just because Emily was in it. Let's just say work came very early that morning.

What I wouldn't do for my Emily...

I swear I'm not a stalker!

*runs from the bushes in front of Emily's house*

More hotness...

I checked the net, and read an article where it says he used to be a circus artist! ROTFLOL! when I was a kid, I used to threaten my mom I would run away with the circus! ehhe :D

strangely she never really had a big reaction to this threat....... ;)
Thanks hun, it wasn't that big of a problem. But we want everyone to feel at home here don't we? ;) *hugs back*

Luna, how in hells name do you always find the prettiest pics? (actually everyone here does. Makes me wonder if I should start looking too :lol:)
She said more than once she's totally different dfrom cal... She's more relaxed and cheerful (yeah, even more :D).
I love the both of them. *goes back to Emily cuffed to bed*
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