Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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You're all welcome- glad you guys liked the pic! :D
Leela said:
Do you know which photoshoot or magazine this is from?
I found the photo on this site- EA Management. It's in stylist Cliff Hoppus' portfolio.

ETA: Here's another from that site (different portfolio)--
Oh, both of those pictures are lovely, ThisIsMe !

I love that first one. She just looks gorgeous, like she always does.
Leela, I like your update on your site very much :lol: those pictures with Jonathan are so hot :devil:
Great pic's everyone ;)]

P.S. I just readed in a newspaper that they found a real body on the set of CSI:Miami :eek: I wonder what Emily would say about that!
Thanks again for the pics and for the link, TIM! She's so beautiful... *sighs*

Here's a little quote I loved from Rio:

Cooper: So whats it like being the leader of the team?
Calleigh: It's only temporary. Until Eric and Horatio get back.
Cooper: Whatever you say Lieutenant DuCaine.

Just cute. :lol:
*stares in adoration*

:eek: My dear goddess, she looks fab! :eek: Is it just me or she gets hotter every season? :eek:

Thanks for posting those pics, Nat!
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