Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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i cant waith until its so far to see the epi tonight.. Im so in love with here cant help it. And im happy thats its Csi miami night for me... jippie
Woah, the thread is full of excitement! *joins* Let's watch something beautiful (a little preview from Nailed) while waiting:

She looks like a princess... *worships*
*ignores blurry person in background* :D :devil:

*hits Luna over the head* I love you too no matter what, you hear me? ;)

And I love Emily too, and there's only 26 minutes left to CSI:Miami goodness!
..she looks go0d in that picture with her arms up to her chest!.. :D

can anyone answer to these questions?...I was watching some DVD episodes from the begining of season 2[I'm taking you back I know! :rolleyes:]and from what I saw she had a relationship with one of the detectives..Now,she had that relationship or she broke up?because in the 3s. I'm watching on tv[I'm way back,I have that in mind too :lol:]she does not..anw,has she been in a real relationship that last in the show?...[non shipper? :confused:]
She had a relationship with Detective Hagen but in some sort of way they broke up but they still felt something for each other. ;) In season 3 Hagen shoot himself dead in the Ballistics Lab, that's the reason why Calleigh didn't work in the lab for a few months ;)
CSI_Willows said:
She had a relationship with Detective Hagen but in some sort of way they broke up but they still felt something for each other.
It's not exactly the truth... It was actually pretty one-sided, since Hagen was still very jealous of her, but she wouldn't care (hence her flirtatius attitude with the charming Peter Eliot). ;)
I got a real laugh off her her behavior with IAB when she was high on Cocaine from processing evidence at a tile factory--saying her Nickname was Lambchop and stuff like that! HILARIOUS!!!
Ow yeah, all the Calleigh/Emily fans love that episode! :) I can't believe how Emily could play that scene, she was such a hysteric person at that moment. :p
Yeah, I loved that episode.. This thuesday in holland was the episode Collision on tv! Calleigh looked so cute.. :lol:
That pic is from "Urban Hellraisers" right?, when she's worried sbout Peter Elliot 'cause he was shot. I wanna see that episode to see her reaction at the end when she realizes about how stupid is him :D
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