Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Hey everyone :) Long time no see :( Hope you still remember me! I missed a lot of your pic's but the last pic's I saw were awsome!!!! :lol: Emily is so beautiful.. :) I loved the behind the scenes pics from csimiamionline so much!! they were awsome... well, every pic of Emily is awsome right? ;) Tnx for posting all the pic's.. I like them a lot.. ;)
Welcome back Maartje!
Oookay, well, perhaps some may have missed it, so here's another dumb question from the little blonde girl somewhere in Germany:
I got the link to csimiami-online, but where exactly can I find the 'Behind the scenes' pics? *scratches shamefaced my head*

Please help me and don't let me alone with my foolishness :D!
Hey! What a fast answer, thanks Luna! BUT (yes, it's not over yet! ;) )...this is the side where the link leads me, and now???
:D after that question I will search the 'Promotional Photo Section' ;) - I wanna see such awesome pictures, too :(
(By the way: so pretty new icon and banner, hun! ... rocks! *keeps mouth closed about any shipperyness*)

Edit: Case closed! Because of my beloved angst-pal Luna I'm not helpless anymore! Thanks! :)
cinegirl said:
Edit: Case closed! Because of my beloved angst-pal Luna I'm not helpless anymore! Thanks! :)

You're welcome, hun! *pats Vera on shoulder*

cinegirl said:
(By the way: so pretty new icon and banner, hun! ... rocks! *keeps mouth closed about any shipperyness*)

Tehehe, thanks! :D Luv 'em too. :cool:

And welcome back, Maartje! Great pic, indeed! (just don't hotlink the pics, the mods will get mad. :rolleyes: Save them on your pc and the upload them with Imageshack or Photobucket. ;))

Makes me wanna jump her... *sighs*
okeey CalleighDuCaine (thanks for the tip) I've already maked an account on photobucket, how can I show you the pic's then?? Thanks for the welcome back's!! *smiles* :)
Lovely to have you back Maartje i missed :( you around here, where have you been? :D

But i like the pic you posted and also all the other pics that everone posted here thanks for making my day...

Love Emily for the rest of my life and i finaly saw Big momma's house 2 and love it, i cant help it but she was so funny but a strange mom in it. And the dancing sorry i had to laugh but it still fits her. She was lovely, i wanna have more movies of her. ... I just love her.. cant help it sorry for saying it so many times...
She is also nice in this pic (love her!!):

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