Emily/Calleigh #7: 'Emily, Don't Lick the Evidence'

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Leela, I've just been to your website for the first time and I got to say I'm impressed. With all the Emily-gorgeousness I'm just one step away from starting to watch Miami again ;)
yep!.. :D
I have to agree about the site!..only the intro picture is so sweet that tells you welcome from it's own! :lol: :lol:
Thanks all! :)

Little piccie - notice TEH hair :p :
*snags Emily* I want the hair! (oh boy, here we go again... :rolleyes:) Thanks Leela, as one of the starters of the Angst Whores, I love that one pic. And the other ones too, of course. :D
Leela, I have been looking all over for Calleigh The Oath piccies. Thanks so much! And that one pic you posted is gorgeous!
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