Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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Well...she's a little bit short...but that man is a giant :lol:
No matter if she's short....GO EMILY!!! :D
Thanks Leela, I forgot you had EVERYTHING!!! :)

Being short is good, I'll have you know hehe. But he is giant!

Great cleavege pic, Hush ;) I doubt we were the only ones!

Oh believe me I noticed the cleavage!! I mean that was exteme even for Miami! In the scene where she bends over to take the shoe impression I am pretty sure you can see her bra!!

Go Emily! Show everyone what you are working with!! :lol:
delkolover said:Go Emily! Show everyone what you are working with!! :lol:

Hee hee yep she is totally fab :D ... Thanks Leela hadn't seen those yet love the one in the coat :cool: ... 6'11 wow he is a giant :lol: ... excellent pic Hush :devil:
Random strangers knowing Emily.

Love your avi Florry! ;) He's a great actor.

Mmm, I hsve been looking for new Emily interviews on youtube. Can anyone point me to some?

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