Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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Emily/Calleigh #11: Enjoy the Emilyness (from a post by Horatio Stalker)
Emily/Calleigh #11: Bulletgirl Bombshell
Emily/Calleigh #11: Ten threads down, A million to go

I like those too!..

uhm,I don't know if it is just me but the thread replies number is not 950+..It's like 600..:confused:
Someone must have been looking at the Views rather than the Replies. Those numbers were reversed on the old board software.
I could have sworn it said 950-some. You're probably right, I was most likely looking at the views, which is reversed on the old board. We're also at 25 pages, which would make sense if it were the old board, but it seems the default on posts per page is different. Sorry for the confusion. Still getting used to the new board it seems. ;)
Holy Sweet Jesus Calleigh was on fire tonight! She was cracking me up and when she put the veil on and told Eric she would kill him if he said anything to anyone....love.

They had her in all white tonight but damn she looked good.
And I'll tell you what...next week...Monday can't come soon enough.
Awww - I always liked her voice, thought it gave her character and made her stand out. :) I never noticed it being "nasally" or anything! She's so sweet - poor Emily :( She shouldn't feel bad about it! She's unique and that's a cool thing ;)
I never noticed this problem in her voice and I always liked it.
I really can't understand why people can complain about it.

I also felt bad for her when she told she asked to a doctor for a solution. There's no need for it. GO Emily you rock!!:thumbsup:
I hadn't noticed any problems with her voice either. :eek: I always found her voice to be rather sweet. :) People complain about everything, which is sad. When someone has enough time to nitpick about another's voice, they really need a life. We're all human, yes even tv stars. :rolleyes:

Don't let the minority get you down, Em! :)

Oh and I just saw the clip from The Early Show, she's such a sweetheart. <3 Thanks for posting it, Florry. :)
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You're welcome;)

It is so sad that people are able to complain about the voice of other people:rolleyes:.Give me a break

I really appreciated this interview cause Emily showed her humanity....yeah she always shows it. But in it she was able to talk about one personal problem...I thinkw it was pretty hard for her to reveal these things.
I hadn't noticed anything wrong with her voice either.

Because it is sweet just like her character,they somehow match.:lol::)
For all the Emily/Calleigh fans, there is a teensy tiny article of her in InStyle magazine in the April 08 issue and the picture they have of her is pretty. It's just something short on what she was wearing at that moment and on a hidden talent (which she just mentions she is designing a house for a friend, which to me sounds like a hobby but since its Emily I forgive her ;), or is it a talent??? :confused:). ENJOY!!! :thumbsup:
Seriously it is articles like that that piss me off....so she has a southern twang and may have a problem with her voice....Look at Owen Wilson; he has made a fortune on his looks with his obscurely broken nose. Leave the woman a lone about it already....it is what makes her, her! I love her accent and haven't noticed anything wrong with the sound of her voice; I actually like it. It brings character to her character. But then again there will always be someone out there, ususally those who hate her character, that will criticize her for something she obviously has no control over. The fact that she even gets asked about it from an interviewer it pathetic....forget about all she has done and accomplished, pick on her b/c her voice is funny sounding. :rolleyes:

People need to grow up sometimes
Emily wouldn't be the same with her lovely voice. I love her voice, it makes her so cute :) So when people are complaing about her voice, they have to look to themselves. No one is perfect in this world ;)

But one thing is sure: we love Emily, no matter what :)
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