Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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I had a Maine Coon once. They're gorgeous and very big indeed. I'd love to have another one someday.

Kevin is such a neat-looking pussy! Emily sure loves animals.
Maine coon eh never heard of those ... can you train them like dogs :confused: ? *imagines a whole army of trained cats* :D ... totally Rummy!!

SpeedsDaughter said:
Kevin is such a neat-looking pussy!

:lol: ROFL :lol:

Found a very cool piccie of Emmy chillin -> 'Zen Emily' :cool:

Haha. Love the greed dress! AND the 'I love CSI' Tee :)
She's so pretty!
Does anyone have any pics of Emily as a kid. Bet she was so cute as a baby. Or with her mom? I wonder what her mom's like.

Oh and is Leela around? We (at the EC thread) were wondering if Emily is dating anyone? Figured you'd know!

Aww, beautiful pictures, I love that color on Emily it really compliments her eyes. Gorgeous. :)

*makes mental note to check in here more often*
adorelo said:
Haha. Love the greed dress! AND the 'I love CSI' Tee :)
She's so pretty!
Does anyone have any pics of Emily as a kid. Bet she was so cute as a baby. Or with her mom? I wonder what her mom's like.

Oh and is Leela around? We (at the EC thread) were wondering if Emily is dating anyone? Figured you'd know!


here's the pic of her..when she was a child :D
and here's the one with her mother :D

as for the question Emily's boyfriend...the one of the pic is Lorenzo Pasini ( the palywriter Jonathan Togo introduced to Emily)....personally I dont' think he's still her boyfriend :D ... I think now Emily's single ;)
Thanks sooo much Florry for all the fab pics and Leela /Jules obviously ;) ... that dress is amazing, not to mention all the bags *drools* and am a big Agassi fab too :D .... yeah Mia this thread is totally the place to be :p ... Emmy totally has her mothers eyes and mouth, although I always feel that baby piccies are interesting I can never see the resemblance :lol:
Loving all the pics guys! That green dress looks amazing! I'm so jealous! lol. The one of her as a kid is cute too though I don't really see the resemblance... Can I request one of her when she was a teenager? lol
Wow you're amazing Florry piccies to order :lol: ... the person in the pic looks an awful lot like Emily :confused: is it a relitive? ... ROFL Dynamo :lol: .... get in line ;)
KellyGirl said:
Wow you're amazing Florry piccies to order :lol: ... the person in the pic looks an awful lot like Emily :confused: is it a relitive? ... ROFL Dynamo :lol:
Mayebe she's the sister...I don't know :confused:

Dynamo I'm sure she is looking for you :D
I love all the pictures!! She looked amazing in that dress!! I loved it! I like the picture with her and her mom! but i think she looks more like her dad.
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