Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

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Hey guys wassup? I'm new around here so im kinda getting into all my favorite forums!!!!! Before I go


I bet you'll be seeing me alot around here yay
Welcome to the thread DuCaineluvr ... hell yeah she does :D ... Does anyone have a piccie of Kevin :confused: ? He sounds very cute :lol:
I know! I want to see him too!

Welcome DuCaineluvr93. Enjoy yourself :) lad we'll be seeing alot of you!
Aawww hes sooo cute :D thanks Florry are those piccies from Leela's site :confused: ? ... :lol: he does look a little stocky although I thought more of a tiny sheep what with all that fluffy fur :lol:
probably he's the cutest cat I've ever seen...normally I don't like cat very much :D ... but Kevin is so cuute :D
Yep....most of the pics I post here are from Leela 's site :D ...she's the best one :D
I've been on a Kevin hunt :D <- at Leela's place obviously ;)

He's definatly a fat cat! Emily rescued him from a shelter :) Bless her little heart.

Hes so cute! Mine's similar colors, though not so fat. He's called Birdie :)
aw.. Kevin's so cute! i have a cat named Katie but shes not quite as chubby as Kevin :p thanks for postin the pics florry86 and kellygirl :D
ahahaha kevin is definitely a big fat cat!but he's adorable...and very lucky 'cause he and emily spoons! :D
Hahah that so made me laugh. They spoon hhehehe. She is just so amazing, not many celebrities would say that, most would be too embarassed haha.
True she never seems to worry what people think of her I really envy that ... not to mention the hot body and blondness :lol:
She is hot! And I say that as a perfectly straight woman. I'd love to find a guy who'd turn her down so I could slap him! Haha.

It's refreshing to find someone who is so considerate of other people and who is so blissfully unaware of her beauty.
He's not fat he's a maine coon. They are bred to be larger. They have a larger frame and are usually 15-20 lbs. Plus lots of fur.
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