EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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They had no reason to involve him BUT they did!! They are not just friends!

No, they didn't have to involve eric in the Nick/Nat story, that's what boggles me because after the mole situation they could've dropped it there, & they didn't, they even continued with thier flirting as if the mole revelation & the 'triangle' situation did nothing to affect how they felt about each other.
I'm sure Eric felt uneasy about the trust issue, but apparently he wasn't able to just up & leave her hanging. Now surely there was a reason for that!! It's not as if they had been friends for so long that he felt obligated to stand by her or protect her, he did it because he still had feelings for her, & those feelings were much more than anything platonic!

I don't expect a reunion out of EDeN this season, & that's fine for now, as long as we get hints here & there. Let Eric figure all this crap out that he's trying so hard to do since his shooting, but DAMN don't neglect EDeN's story!!
No, Eric isn't the same man he was before his shooting, BUT- that DOES NOT mean being a new man can just suddenly end how he feels about a person! It doesn't work that way - I don't buy that crap, & I don't see how TPTB would expect any of us to!!

& has anyone else realized that Eric hasn't been intimatly involved with anyone SINCE NATALIA?!?!!
IF he was such a playboy (after meeting Nat) & didn't give a hoot for her, then why the hell wasn't he out gettin' jiggy with all of Miami during this time Nat was revealed as the mole & when Nick returned?!??! Obviously because the man wasn't being Mr.Playboy anymore....Nat was the last woman he's been with in years!
Please, stop trying to jerk us around PTB, we aren't buying your story.;)
*shakes her head* 'Tis confusing... first the mole incident, then the whole Nickhead debacle... what's next? I really hope that TPTB don't turn EDeN into one of those soap opera-y couples that annoy the hell out of me. They need to build up on the resume: playful moments, sexy bantering, the works... well, the baby banter is a good start. Keep it up!

& has anyone else realized that Eric hasn't been intimatly involved with anyone SINCE NATALIA?!?!!

Hmm, coincidence? I didn't think so... he did change after he was with her; he's ditching his playboy persona. I don't mind though as long as he's monogamous with Natalia...
This is probably going to sound silly and over analytical, but I just have to say it. :lol: In tonight's episode, Natalia was wearing all white. We've seen Calleigh in all black in many episodes. I can't help but wonder if Nat in all white is significant. Could it be that she's going to be a female equivalent of a white knight to Eric? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)
I can't help but wonder if Nat in all white is significant. Could it be that she's going to be a female equivalent of a white knight to Eric? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. :)

Oh, I love the way you think :p I hope she is....she should be...& NEEDS to be!! She's the best medicine for him, most definitly ;)

No EDeN scene last night, but I was ok with it cause I know they'll still have more scenes, they always do. Plus, Nat had some good scenes that made me giggle all over. :adore: It's too bad Eric wasn't with her though, she could have at least put a smile on the man's face, as she almost always does.
On another note, I was watching 'Looks could kill' the other night, & was thinking about the whole trust issue with EDeN. If you look back at when they had thier first scene together in '3-way' & this line: "you have some serious trust issues"/ "maybe I do" - you can see that this was the "theme" for thier relationship, the "something" that these 2 would struggle with.
I think this is the one thing that stands in Eric's way. When Nick went on & on about Natalia & told Eric to "run from this chick", Eric looked pissed, but at the same time he had this look like it was a question in the back of his mind.
The thing is, is that I do think Natalia is trustworthy (even in a relationship) , she's proven it more than once to the team, however, she hasn't had a chance to prove it to Eric....that's what I think this relationship needs.
I wish they'd have done more with Nick's return, I feel like they left out too much of what happened between them & it could've been a lot of the reason why she did lie to Eric, & could've been reason how she ended up as the mole.

Don't get me wrong, I truly believe Eric has forgiven her & trusts her on a certain level, but I think it's something that sits in the back of his mind that she lied when they were actually a couple. I wish they would allow her to tell her side of the story ( & Eric see or hear it) , not because Eric deserves it, but because Natalia does!

Think about this one PTB ;)
i loved the all white on nat!!! it always looks good on her! :) i loved the toilet scenes they were so funny!!! it even had my mom laughin!!!! i was hopin for a EDeN scene but never had one but its fine!!!! hopefully one in next weeks epi!!!!!
I can't help but wonder if Nat in all white is significant. Could it be that she's going to be a female equivalent of a white knight to Eric?

I like the way you think! I think I'm starting to rub off on you guys... I love the idea of Natalia being a white knight. Eric could use of of those, though I never heard of a Latina white knight. But I'm more than sure that Natalia will do a great job.
Ok, thanks to all this "white knight" talk I now have the song "Nights in White Satin" playing in my head ...
*all dramatic like* "cause I love you...OHHHhow I love youuuuuu...ohhh" :lol:
I just realized half of you probably have no clue what I'm singin' :rolleyes:

Anyhoo, 'Talia could take care of him - I know she can!!
She knows how to make him happy, she's just the kind of woman he needs in his life - one who brings out the best in him, makes him smile, makes him feel like a man, cares about his well being, & one who feels something more for him than a friend does. She is the best one for him, always has been, always will!

:luvlove: EDeN is LOVE :luvlove:​
Ok, thanks to all this "white knight" talk I now have the song "Nights in White Satin" playing in my head ...
*all dramatic like* "cause I love you...OHHHhow I love youuuuuu...ohhh" :lol:
I just realized half of you probably have no clue what I'm singin' :rolleyes:

:guffaw:Don't'cha just hate it when that happens? Well, at least its not "mmbop". I swear I had that thing stuck in my head the other day and I have no idea where it came from. Haven't heard that song in ages. I was about ready to pull my hair out, but instead I just turned on some AC/DC or something to get the other song out of my head. :lol:

Which brings me to a question: What song(s) do you think Eric and Natalia would have stuck in their heads?

Anyhoo, 'Talia could take care of him - I know she can!!
She knows how to make him happy, she's just the kind of woman he needs in his life - one who brings out the best in him, makes him smile, makes him feel like a man, cares about his well being, & one who feels something more for him than a friend does. She is the best one for him, always has been, always will!

:luvlove: EDeN is LOVE :luvlove:​

I cannot argue with that.

Here's a little toy for you all to play with Advertising Slogan Generator. Just hit the button that says "sloganize" to make a new one. You can also change the word if you want. :)

Here are some that I got:

There's Only One Eden. (isn't that the truth)

Nothing says lovin' like Eden from the oven. :guffaw:

Strong and Beautiful, Just Like Eden.

We Do Eden Right. (wish we could say the same for the show's writers!)

Just One Eden- Give It To Me!

Great Eden, Great Times.

Tonight, Let it be Eden.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Eden.

I'm Cuckoo For Eden.

I love that little toy. :lol: It's so fun to play around with. I've used it for all my ships. Hehehe.
Greetings fellow EDeN fans!!

Well, there wasn't much in the "Wrecking Crew" as far as EDeN was concerned but none-the-less I am still on the side of optimism.

The toilet/restroom scene was pretty good.

As I have long said, we're gonna have to be very patient for our favorite duo. Let's just keep hopin'!
Greetings fellow EDeN fans!!

Well, there wasn't much in the "Wrecking Crew" as far as EDeN was concerned but none-the-less I am still on the side of optimism.

The toilet/restroom scene was pretty good.

As I have long said, we're gonna have to be very patient for our favorite duo. Let's just keep hopin'!

So true. Patience is a virtue after all. Good things come to those who wait (sometimes...). :lol: True love always wins out in the end. And Eden is true love. :D
So true. Patience is a virtue after all. Good things come to those who wait (sometimes...). :lol: True love always wins out in the end. And Eden is true love. :D

HERE HERE my friend!! :beer:
There's plenty of time left in the series for Eric to get through his "trying to find normalcy" dilemma, for them to rekindle thier unresolved love.. & get back together!!
Doesn't he realize his "normalcy" is when he's with Natalia!?!? TPTB has shown it numerous times, I think they know this. Maybe they should fill in Eric now?
HERE HERE my friend!! :beer:
*raises her glass too* Don't worry, I'm legal.

Doesn't he realize his "normalcy" is when he's with Natalia!?!? TPTB has shown it numerous times, I think they know this. Maybe they should fill in Eric now?

I think TPTB don't want to let him in on it just yet... they're probably waiting for Eric to figure it out himself. After all, it's better if he does, otherwise we can always videotape EDeN moments and have TPTB show him the evidence. Maybe the whole thing should play out like a case... he's a CSI so we give it to him in a medium he'll understand. What do you guys think?
MJ has made a very astute observation!! I raise my glass to MJ!
Eric is on his "search for normalcy", the problem is that he's looking for it in Calleigh. He's looking in the wrong place and just does not realize it yet. Somehow he has it in his head that because he and Calleigh have worked side by side for so long that this is somehow his 'destiny'.

However, every time TPTB seems to put Eric and Nat together he's quite obviously as normal as he's going to get given what's happened to him over these last several seasons.

Will someone please slap Eric a few times!!:thumbsup:
MJ has made a very astute observation!! I raise my glass to MJ!
Why thank you, however, Eric searching for normalcy was the observation of Corey Miller - my observation is that the normalcy is there when he's with Natalia!!
I can't understand why TPTB seem to think we're that dumb. I wish they'd do thier homework & look at the big picture - part of finding normalcy in your life is finding what truly makes you happy & what makes you smile, what or rather who, makes you feel at ease & comfortable - THAT is being shown in EDeN scenes, definitly not with E/C!!

When does Eric ever look happy or at ease? WHEN HE'S WITH NATALIA!
She's the one who manages to look past the fact that he has a bullet in his head - she doesn't question his job or how he performs in his job - that's just another way to bring him back to that state that he's not alright! Why would he want to face that?!?! He doesn't want to - & Natalia is the one who doesn't throw it in his face!!!

Who the hell came to check on him after he was in that shootout - NATALIA! Sorry, but DAMN, where was Calleigh - she was thinking about her proficiency test - did she even question how he was - hell no!
But then in the very next episode (the season opener) she was all over her man Jake Berkely talking about how worried she was & that she was scared for his life - did she EVEN mention Eric at all - NO!!!
For that matter, she knew this a freaking year ago & what did she do - she jumped into bed with Jake! So :wtf::wtf:

Bottom line is what Im seeing is Eric just fine when he's around Natalia, he jokes, he's playful...he's himself, as close to the real Delko that he was once before.
No offence to any lurkers, as I sometimes forget Im not just speaking to EDeN fans, but Calleigh is only further making his life more miserable by dragging him along the way she has for the last year... yes YEAR...YEARRRR! Seriously that is just dumb, & I do not buy it at all!!

Easily you can go back through the last year 1/2 & see where & when Eric looks content. Now go back through the last year & see when Eric looked disturbed, confused, & dwelling over agonizing drama....yeah, that's what I thought! ;)
Natalia IS the normacly in his life, the only one who can make him feel like the man he used to be.

*fwhooo* rant. over.

:DEDeN in the END:D
Will someone please slap Eric a few times!!:thumbsup:

*raises hand* Ooh, I"ll do it... my dad taught me how to box so maybe that'll help knock a little sense into him. And everyone else is free to do so before me... hmm, maybe Natalia should have a go.
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