EDeN (Eric/Natalia) #2: All about chemistry & forbidden fruit!

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MJ - I can't believe you still have that Eric/Nat wallpaper. :alienblush:
:lol: Of course I still have it, I have the other one you made too:thumbsup:

Or maybe scuba divers. :lol:
Er, um, I don't know about Scuba divers on the babies wall. We'll let Eric have that in the master bathroom. Heehee, I wonder if Eric plays in the tub...I just had an image of him all snorkled up sitting around a bunch of bubbles in Nat's big bathtub. :guffaw:

I'm fairly sure that Eric would want to name his son after Tim either first or middle name. And probably the girl after Marisol.

Didn't we decide they would name thier dog Speed? Natalia has a say in this too, it can't be all about Eric, even though Im sure she wouldn't mind ;)
I do like Maria for a girl... but I still prefer Eden.:D

Im all for tradition, but in the name of drama, I'd love to see them find thier way back to each other just on some random night where things are crazy in thier life- then that magic sparks again & a month later we find out she's preggo!!!
Eden Maria would be a pretty name for a girl. And yeah, Speed for the dog. :lol: Forgot about that. How about Nathan for the boy? Kind of after Natalia?

:lol: at the image of Eric playing in the tub. And he can start singing: "Hello, My name is Eric and I like to do drawings. Come and do drawings with me." :lol: For anyone who may not get that, its a Saturday Night Live reference. :)
**tackles GNRFan ** I love them!! You rock, my friend ;)

Now we just need another playful scene of them holding/processing a baby. hint hint PTB.
Suddenly I see Eric's butterfly shirt being the inspiration for Baby Eden's nursery. Maybe there was some good in that shirt after all.

they were matching each other.
I think in this case it was an added perfect touch too cause Lavender is such a big baby color...it looks good on them...lavender & the stroller/blanket surroundings!!!!

All this baby talk just get's me all giddy, I'm such an EDeN geek :lol:

BTW- csimiamifan24, you only have 9 posts to go & you can use an avi, but just a friendly reminder -it's in the shipper central rule book that we must have at least 3 lines of good EDeN discussion in our posts. :p

i know! i cant wait!!! thanx for remindin me thought i appreciate it! and was mon nights episode the last one for this season???
Or maybe scuba divers. :lol:

Erm, not so much scuba divers... how 'bout starfish? They would look cute in the babies' bedroom... with Eric for their dad, they'd probably be water babies. I can just picture Eric playing with them during bath time!

I just had an image of him all snorkled up sitting around a bunch of bubbles in Nat's big bathtub. :guffaw:

*snickers* He'd be like a really big kid then... I think the babies will follow his lead when they're old enough. Can you just picture them snorkeling and splashing in the tub? Natalia should take a picture of that... it'd be cute!
I can just picture Eric playing with them during bath time!
Actually, I just imagined Eric playing with 'Talia during bathtime!! :devil:
:guffaw:Sorry...had to be done, I shall slip from gutterville now.

Seriously though, that's a sweet thought & I could see it; he'd be a very hands-on Dad, the type to play ball with his son, or have a tea party with his little girl just to thrill her.

I can see it with Nat too, she'd be a great Mama. For some reason I could see her playing basketball though....maybe cause she's so tall ...

That there just gave me a very nice thought of EDeN playing a little one-on-one!! I bet 'Talia would win, all she'd have to do is hit Eric's tickle spot, as Im sure she knows exactly where it is. :D
Hey Guys!!!!

I found this link looking through the Ryan thread & thought I'd bring it here cause it's pics of Adam & Eva in the new Sacoor shoot.

Can I just say YUM.MMY!! Love the glasses on Eva, & Adam looks hawwwttt! :drool:

There's one of them with Kaya & some little boy....hehehee...our little EDeN family...**gushes & melts**


I know it's Adam/Eva & not EdeN but TELL ME they don't make the most gorgeous couple EVVERRRR!!! WOOTWOOT! :p
Brilliant, thanks iaMJekyl.. awesome pics :)
Eva and Adam (standing in the airport & in the limo) and the one with the children - holy cow! LOL lovely :D
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Make sure you all click on 'English' (or whichever language you prefer) at the bottom of the page & then click 'catalouge'. From there you can "flip" through all the A/E photots (oh, that's kinda funny A&E = AdamEva) anyway...

there's more in there than the ones you first see that flash by. There's a really cute one of both of them smiling at each other; & this cracked me up>> the last pic is the one of them in the limo (looks like she's playing footsie with his leg..heehee) & then on the very last page it says - Hope you'll keep going FURTHER with us. :lol: Let that be our little note to TPTB about EDeN!!

I hope your getting some inspiration from those, PTB!!!;)
I can just picture Eric playing with them during bath time!
Actually, I just imagined Eric playing with 'Talia during bathtime!! :devil:
:guffaw:Sorry...had to be done, I shall slip from gutterville now.

Seriously though, that's a sweet thought & I could see it; he'd be a very hands-on Dad, the type to play ball with his son, or have a tea party with his little girl just to thrill her.

I can see it with Nat too, she'd be a great Mama. For some reason I could see her playing basketball though....maybe cause she's so tall ...

That there just gave me a very nice thought of EDeN playing a little one-on-one!! I bet 'Talia would win, all she'd have to do is hit Eric's tickle spot, as Im sure she knows exactly where it is. :D

or playin volleyball!
Hey Guys!!!!

I found this link looking through the Ryan thread & thought I'd bring it here cause it's pics of Adam & Eva in the new Sacoor shoot.

Can I just say YUM.MMY!! Love the glasses on Eva, & Adam looks hawwwttt! :drool:

There's one of them with Kaya & some little boy....hehehee...our little EDeN family...**gushes & melts**


I know it's Adam/Eva & not EdeN but TELL ME they don't make the most gorgeous couple EVVERRRR!!! WOOTWOOT! :p

omg the ones where theyre together are so good!!!! not to mention the one where there lookin into eachothers eyes lol awwww and the one of the four of them aww they look like a family those r so good is there neway we can get the pics to where we can save them to a computer so i can print them off or put them in my vid im makin????
Those are lovely csimiamifan24, I saw the 2nd one already - a poster had it as thier avi at the CBS board, but I wasn't sure what it was from. They are BEAUTIFUL!!!! :adore: His arm's around her waist in the first one *giggles like a school girl* damn they're gorgeous!!
Keep a lookout for a behind the scenes interview from that Sacoor photoshoot - I hope there's one!!! :p

Wow you're quick with the avi/banner ch3r12y!! :lol:
I couldn't save the pics though, how did you do it :confused:

can someone make me an icon with that last one please????
Ask GNRfan, or you can take the link to the fanart/avi request section ;)

& to keep up with EDeN discussion...
Natalia is finally getting a story!! *throws confetti* There's supposed to be this montage (epi 'PowerTrip') of the characters being called to work, & it says we meet someone from Nat's past.
Im hoping for someone stalking her, or that she's working/scheming with an old FBI co-worker...maybe to help Eric find his real father?

I would say an old boyfriend but they would have to go wayyy back for that considering she was married for years, & after that she was with Eric & no one else. Im thinking it will be related to her FBI/Cold case days, but I'd love to see her scheme against them to help Eric. With her FBI contacts & background in unsolveds' on top of her being the DNA specialist of the lab, you would think this would be a good opportunity for some EDeN interaction.
*keeping fingers crossed* :p
omg the ones where theyre together are so good!!!! not to mention the one where there lookin into eachothers eyes lol awwww and the one of the four of them aww they look like a family those r so good is there neway we can get the pics to where we can save them to a computer so i can print them off or put them in my vid im makin????

well here are the images that were in "sacoor" website... click on pic to enlarge it :D

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i made these icons but i dont know if you'll like them...


Sorry, im not trying to flood/spamming here.. i promise i wont do it again BlackKat.
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csimiamifan24 & ch3r12y - please do not double post. That can be considered spamming. You have up to 24 hours to edit your post. Thanks!
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