Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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well....since eddie can cook, an awesome first date would be a home cooked meal and a rented movie! as, miumiu said, a horror would be good coz it's an excuse to grab onto him! :p :lol: :D

and since we're at his house... :devil: (it's inevitable!!! :D )
having eddie cook for me?...*drools*

i'm such a sucker for someone who will cook for me. especially if they're good. and he's italian too, so a nice yummy linguini with clams or pasta alfredo...oy.

i'm such a pig. it's gross.
Eddie cooking a nice Italian dinner would be awesome then add a couple dvd's to watch and then let nature take it's course. :devil:

I'm all for staying in instead of going out. I wouldn't want to share him with anybody.
i'd wanna show him off though. be 'yeah, i'm with this really hot guy. whacha gonna do about it?'

cuz i like making people jealous. it's fun. :D
^^I'd wanna show him off too....but later. I'd want him to myself first and then it would be "look what I've got and you can't have." :p

**thinks to self-am I too easy for a first date with Eddie?** :rolleyes:
I'd much rather stay in with Eddie. Watch a couple DVDs, eat some good home-cooked Italian food with some nice wine, then just.. do whatever. ;) Yeah, that sounds nice.
i, my fellow eddie obsessed gutterdwellers, am terribly confuzzled.

maybe it's because i have been brainwashed by these lasers right here, who knows.

but no one is posting anywhere on talkcsi...is it cause of that maintenance thing? am i the only one tha'ts past it :confused: or has the world began to end, and hasn't reached here yet.

cause i tell you, i had a dream last night that several meteors were falling to earth, and i was watching them slowly entering the atmosphere, it was all a bit surreal actually.
haha sorry for the off topic-ness! just go stare at his pretty eyes and lips and face and everything in the pic. :D
Don't feel crazy, I've noticed the lack of activity myself. ;) Perhaps I've driven everyone away with my terrible avatar! *wicked laughter* :lol:

But anyway, I like that picture. It's funny how much younger he looks on that show. Do you know when it was on the air? (And I'm thinking of making an avatar out of a picture of him from that show, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of the sailor hat of doom! :lol:)
:lol: your evil purple hat has killed everyone Fay!!

i think Glory Days aired in 2002? it was called Demontown over here in the UK, but i never saw it i don't think. which is ashame, it sounds like a show i'd quite like. and plus, it has eddie in it. who is rather tasty, and don't tell me you've never watched some crappy tv show just cause it had some good looking character!

oh and btw, i thought your avvie was a manip! carmine actually wore that hat?! *dies*
LOL, he looks like he's going to kill the camera man..
You think he did it by choice? or something made a bet or what?
(Sorry if this has already been adressed, i'm very slow in he head v_V)
:lol: Oh, it's a real picture alright. :lol: The whole thing has been posted in the Carmine drool thread, but we still have no idea why in the world he's wearing that hideous outfit. :lol:

Anyway, back to Eddie. ;) 2002, eh? It wasn't that long ago, but he looks so much younger. But then, I guess four years can make a big difference. :p Anyway, I never saw the show either, but I probably would have watched it if I was in love with Eddie back in those days. :lol: And yeah, I've watched a crappy show for a guy before. :eek:
ah, the show got cancelled ater 9 episodes anyway...poor eddie! but then he may not have made it to CSI headquarters! then what would we have done!

what show did you watch just for the guy? i watched this terrible show on tv called "Kerching" that was about some guy who was a secret internet millionaire thing. i only watched it for his friend though. who was incredibly thick though...there were others too, but i can't remember!

sheesh! there's absolutely no one about! i'm waiting for the tumbleweed to drift by now heh
It's not just this forum either. :lol: I've been checking another forum I belong to and nobody is posting in there either--is it possible that the aliens have come and abducted most of the people? If so, they shouldn't have left us behind! :lol:

Well, I can't think of a specific show that I watch just for the guy, but I can think of shows that I tune into to see a guy on them (you know, like guest star things ;)) which I wouldn't ordinarily watch. I know that I started to watch "City of Angels" because Hill Harper was in it, but it's a good show anyway, so I don't feel bad. :lol:

But this is an Eddie thread, and I'm rambling on about other stuff. :p

So "Glory Days" only had 9 episodes, eh? I hate when that happens. It's not always the crappy shows that get cancelled, is it? ;)

He's too cute. ^_^


Flack looking up, a screencap from "Manhattan Manhunt"
Summer is generally a slower time. No new eps, not always much to talk about. But we find things... ;)

I watched Glory Days! It was a great show, actually. Eddie played Mike Dolan, a writer who came back home after penning a novel all about the small town he grew up in. People weren't so taken with his novel. :lol: Poppy Montgomery played the town doctor, I think, and his love interest. It was sort of a mystery show--the town was strange if I remember correctly. It was fun, and cancelled way too quickly! That was my first intro to Eddie I think--unless his stint on Friends came first.
ahh! i always remember Tag on Friends, but i never took too much notice except "WOAH rachel has yet another tasty man" but that was all im afraid!

meh, i'm sitting patiently waiting on new pics. they're like part of my life force :lol: i should probably get out more;)

but this summer is the last time im gonna have for relaxation until next summer. this is my major exam year in school coming up after the holidays.
scary bananas!!

awww Flack needs a wee shave in that 1st pic Fay and he is SUPERFRIGGINSMEXY in the 2nd! thankyouuu!
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