Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Hey, just think of it this way--if Eddie was bi, and Carmine was bi...:devil: I'll be the straight girl in the middle, thank-you-very-much. ;) [/slashy thoughts] :lol:

Dunno what he's doing here...:confused: ( :p )

Miracle hair!! :lol:

Smoochy face! ;)
Faylinn said:
Hey, just think of it this way--if Eddie was bi, and Carmine was bi...:devil: I'll be the straight girl in the middle, thank-you-very-much. ;) [/slashy thoughts] :lol:

Dunno what he's doing here...:confused: ( :p )

Way to go Fay!! I like that kind of thinking. :devil: The best of both worlds. :rolleyes:

I looks like he might be trying to explain something with his hands in that picture. **thinks..or do something, or clean something off hands**
i'll tell you what he's explaining. :devil:

"now, the left hand is me, and the right hand is danny. and when they touch each other, a whole lotta fun is to be had."

sorry what? oh right! yeah! wrong thread ;)

the "Smoochy face" is so freakin smoochy! an that "oh behave" pic got me lmao. :lol: his expressions are priceless.

anhoo, off to sleepy sleep.
i think it's from Super Men?? i recognise the tie/shirt combo lol,
and i saw that episode recently

SO hot at the start, in his long coat.
lol that's the bunny episode but bloody photobucket is down for maintenance. so you'll just have to picture the cap ^_^
Lost2MuchSpeed said:
i think it's from Super Men?? i recognise the tie/shirt combo lol,
and i saw that episode recently
:lol: It just occurred to me how we can easily identify where we see a scene from just by looking at Flack's shirt and tie combo. ("Pink shirt? Dances with Fishes, right? Too easy." :p)

SO hot at the start, in his long coat.
Indeedy he does! :D Sets off his shoulders and leggy legs. Very drool-worthy, even when he's fully-clothed.
jorja_fan86, that behave thing is too funny, hahahaha!!! :lol:

and when the pinky Eddie (pinky? it's like a pig name!!! :p) says miumiu? Great miumiu, ROTFL :D
:lol: it's almsot like a little shy wave thing! pinky!eddie i mean.

like a first date thing hehe.
how CUTE.
what d'you think he'd do for a first date with someone? (i'm saying "someone" cause i'm a slash whore and wont base it on females only heh heh ^_^)

would it be the usual classy evening meal?
what would all you peeps like to do for the date? oh yes i know what you'd LOVE to do but, BEFORE that :devil:
and anyway! not on the first date!
First date? Uh, I think he should be dressed casual, no ties (not Flack ties).
Little dinner in a small restaurant, or simply a pizza+beer. Then a walk, while talking about everything.
Then you reached the door, he smiles at you, he says "it's been...funny...I mean, you're funny...no, wait..." and you start laughing aboiut his sweetness :)
He smile again, comes closer and kiss you on the cheek...

a movie. he seems like a movie kinda guy. he'll probably be the kinda guy who spends fifty bucks at the concession stand because he has to have his humongous popcorn and drink (so he can get the free refills), and'll ask you twenty times if you want something, and then when you're actually in the movie, you'll wind up eating half his popcorn anyway because there's no way and one human being can eat the entire large popcorn on their own, no matter what their metabolism is.

and then you'll watch the movie and he'll take you home, and he'll be all flack-ish and adorable. and you have to kiss him. screw the no kissing on the first date rule, any woman who would not want to kiss that man has to be clinically insane.

When Eddie says miumiu .... I hope soon :D :devil:

First date ... I prefer combonation; first dinner and after that movie. What kind of movie? Romantic comedy would be nice, you can hold a bit his hand. Hmmm ... horror would be best, 'cause you can go to his lap in scary moments :devil:. I prefer action, and guys usually love it also. Fast cars and so on :D
Guys with eyeliner attract me a lot. And it would really offset Eddie's eyes.

Wow, that picture is way pink. I didn't think he liked pink that much.
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