Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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*yells at computer* oh, now you work and i can see it.

*groans* why do you not like me? huh? i give you so much attention. [/computer-directed rant]

but great pic feenx.
ahh! i always remember Tag on Friends, but i never took too much notice except "WOAH rachel has yet another tasty man" but that was all im afraid!

I'd stopped watching Friends by then, so I never saw him on it. But I think it should be coming round on one of my channels in a few weeks or so.
But hey, his Sex in the City ep is showing up the week after next!
Ceindreadh said:
ahh! i always remember Tag on Friends, but i never took too much notice except "WOAH rachel has yet another tasty man" but that was all im afraid!

I'd stopped watching Friends by then, so I never saw him on it. But I think it should be coming round on one of my channels in a few weeks or so.
But hey, his Sex in the City ep is showing up the week after next!

I watched that Sex and the City episode Wednesday night. Double dose of Eddie because it came on right after CSI:NY went off. :p Eddie was so adorable in SaTC. Only problem was that they cut the best parts out. HBO was the best place to see it.

I was the same way with Tag on Friends. Another cutie for Rachel but didn't know who he was. His appearances on Friends is supposed to be aired here around the end of the month.
what did they cut out i saw it too, i was getting all exited when they started to play spin the bottle hoping that eddie migth make out w/ a guy. damn it!!!
They cut out the sex scenes. Sorry, but he didn't make out with a guy in the uncut version either. Although since Carrie kissed a girl, they should have shown him kissing a guy.

When they first aired on HBO they were 30 minutes with no commercials. Of course on regular TV with commercials that cuts them down to 22 minutes is it? So they cut out a bunch of the good stuff. :mad:

What sucks is that I have Seasons 1 & 2 on DVD and Eddie was in Season 3.
Sorry, but he didn't make out with a guy in the uncut version either. Although since Carrie kissed a girl, they should have shown him kissing a guy.

Aww, man. That's a big loss. It's only fair that if Carrie kissed a girl then Eddie shouls be able to kiss a guy. Eddie kissing a guy...man that would be SOO hot!! :D
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