Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Patrick maybe? Beware, I'm just guessing. Nim and I were talking about it and said that since he has Irish roots it may be...
^^That's the same thing I was thinking Orison. Fay and I were joking around last night and came up with some hilarious middle names. :rolleyes: But Patrick was my first thought.

I'm not too fond of "Edmund" either. :( "Edward" is ok but "Edmund". :confused: Glad he goes by Eddie. He looks more like an Eddie.
x3 I love learning peoples full first names. Sometimes they're really cute.

Mom thinks, for "P", that his middle name is Pierce or Patrick.
Patrick would make sense because of his Irish background. Maybe the next time he does an interview or chat someone can ask him. I think Edmund is a great name. It's different. But yeah, I like that he goes by Eddie.
Cool, Edmund was quite unexpected. Glad he goes by the "Eddie" sounds way cooler. I love the guys eyes their so expressive. Aph feels all warm and fluffy now.
allstar12 : thanks for sharing this report. As I can't get any TV Guide, no matter if it's the regular or one that comes with a newspaper, It's so great that I can read the articles anyway thanks to this site and the great people here. :)

I also would have more expected that Eddie stands for Edward than Edmund. Edward also sounds better to me than Edmund, but it's ok anyway. Especially as he goes by Eddie which sounds really good!
If anyone's interested, here's what was left over from the last round of voting.

Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Welcome to Gutterville
Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Walking Hunk of Temptation
Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Get Lost in Those Baby Blues
Eddie Drool Thread #4 - We'd Eat Him Up For Breakfast

Any other suggestions??
Edmund Pierce sound better. Better ring and flow to it. That's my idea of what his middle name is.

I like "Walking Hunk of Temptation"
I like "Get Lost in Those Baby Blues". The only one I don't like is "Welcome to Gutterville". To me, that doesn't fit him.
Joanne, I like that suggestion too. **scribbles it down for poll**

Welcome to Gutterville came about when we were all living in the gutter (I think most of us are still there).

I'll post a poll after we get to the next page (so it will be easy to find) and see if we get any more suggestions.
i like these three:

Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Walking Hunk of Temptation
Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Get Lost in Those Baby Blues
Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Tag Ain't Got Nothin' on Flack!
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