Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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*bumps back up*

Okay, I'm feeling like a complete newbie asking this, but does anyone know where I can get my hands on "Glory Days/Demontown"? >.O;; I suddenly really want to see those episodes (Not only because it was filmed in Vancouver B.C., but because of you know who). If anyone could help me here.. that'd be great :D

And who knows, pictures might come as a reward :lol:
Hi - I found Demontown on Amazon.co.uk so I assume the Canadian Amazon site would carry it. :lol:
iluvroadrunner said:
He looks so hot and manly...sexy....me likey angry/scared Flack
^^^ ::looks at Feenx:: which cheeks you talking about girl?? lol ::evil smirk:: I want to pinch both sets of cheeks.. :x
Yeah... try that on someone who hasn't spent hours reading your crackfic...

What can I say? Flack is totally hot and Eddie's brain does things to me. Dirty things. I have a problem: I can't choose between the three hot men on the show. Someone please, please, help me!!
Eddie's brain is almost better than smexin'. He's so articulate and thoughtful that I want to squoodge him. I'd love to have a lit crit gab session with him.

Aw, but my crackfic is fun. It's got angst and fluff and smex. I can't stop myself...
Has anyone seen the CBS cares public service commercial that Eddie does? It's about the designated driver. I scared both my cats when I saw it because I'd never seen it before and I shrieked. It was done during season one because he still had the long hair, but it was so cool!
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