Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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I'm sure we would all love to help. I suck at html stuff I only know enough to get by. ;) Oh, since everyone esle is showing their favorite pics of flack I thought I would throw this one up.
I absolutely adore the third one in black and white. It's so very poster-boy :) The second one - the promotional shot - seems to fit sexy, snarky, and satisfying perfectly. He looks as though some roundly sarcastic comment is about to come out of his mouth. And I wouldn't mind kissing it away :lol:
He looks hot in the black and white one. Then there's the "showing us his badge" badge porn! :lol: :devil:
I love personally the second pic, ShuriyuCSI !

I have to be a sucker for Flack in his black leather jacket. And the tie + his shirt, all together, to accord marvelous. Is really ma favourite outfit of him... !

Thanks for the hottie pic !!! :)
mmm... this one's my favorite

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