Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Faylinn said:
Flack is so well-dressed and immaculately groomed, I can't see him with scruff unless he let himself go or something was wrong.

Or unless Danny cajoled him into doing it ... if ya know what I mean.
That pic is incredible Faylinn! :D Seeing him with facial hair is new to me only because I don't see him with it too often. *swoon* His eyes couldn't be anymore amazing either!
mmm. i like me a bit of rough sometimes ;)

that pic is rather swoonworthy, his eyes are like KILLING me. a happy death though no worries!
i was going to say something...but i've bloody forgotten now. gimme a sec...YES right.

about the facial hair thing, i was sort of hoping if we'd got that episode where we see him just after he's all healed from being in hospital, then we'd see a not so pristine Flack. but NOO we don't get that :(
boy does he look different in that pic...just, wow. *wishes she could add him to the b-day CSI guy collection...hehe*
Flack pics from All Access -

Concerned Flack

Questioning Flack

Sad Flack :(

His eyes on the last pic are to die for...I swear he must be wearing eyeliner or something :p
ahhh the famous eyeliner theory which i swear he must wear! or maybe he got it tatoo-ed there when he was younger and a rebel ;)

and it faded a bit but is still there. heh that'd be a good story to hear!
He looks as if his eyelashes were put on with a sooty finger. I think I read that one in a Diana Gabaldon book sometime ago!
Happy birthday Mel!

I love his face. God, this man is pretty. People don't give him enough attention, though. More for us. :D

I like the doofy picture. Absolutely adorable.
Happy Birthday Mel! :)

CrimeShark, those pics are wonderful! I love the "questioning Flack" one best because it shows a great view of his eyes. Eyeliner on him would be awsome. He looks great with or without it. :D
Lovely pics girls!! Definitley nice to come home from Hott boys at the firehouse, to an even HOTTER boy.... if not the hottest... ::whistles:: Fay that pic is amazing, those eyes...

::raises hand slowly:: I was one who said "I dont like Eddie with facial hair/long hair" but, eh... that pic... I'd take him... anytime.. in anyway... ::evil smirk::
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