Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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^^^ yeah uh-huh sure... I was looking at his... well for the make of his jeans... ::checks him out head to toe:: I cant find it, it may be on the inside of his jeans... ::evil grin:: theres only one way to find out.
Hey, Newbie to the thread. Gotta say loving the way your talking about Eddie, he's as hot as hell. Loving the pics. Did any of you read the interview? He is so smart and funny, and sweet. I had no idea he was so romatic.(the whoel tatoo thing.)
Welcome Alphina! We do love Eddie here, so join in!

We've gone from a cuddle party with Eddie, Carmine, and Harper, to finding Eddie's pretty badge. ;)

Damn, we move fast. And straight into the gutter, which I doubt most of us leave anyway. :)
feenx said:
crmscnnvstgtr101 said:
*stands in line patiently*

No, we can't leave Harper out of the cuddle party. He deserves some action too. ;)

haha, passed you*stops* Hill can join the party anytime.
Aww, that was mean! ;)
There are new promo pics over in the CSI picture thread. Flack is looking very edible. But it does contain spoilers so be careful. But I'm sure someone will post them over here. ;)
Guys, just dropping by to say that I just watched Eddie's episode on Law and Order SVU he did some years ago.

Anyone have a screencap on that? Especially in the opening sequence? Lol....
I really like that first promo pic of him. Its going to be so nice to see flack again. The second pic isn't bad I just have a thing for him in shades of blue. ;)
YAY!! He's alive ::drops to knees and kisses the ground:: hooray!! he's so yummy... I lurrvve him. Welsome Aphina.

I for one have decided to just cememnt myself into the gutter, or put a shock collar on to prevent me from ever leaving, I get out and then just fall back in again... why waste the energy climbing out when I could be wasting it... or.. err .. not wasting it, on something much more "pleasurable"... ::smirk::
YAY!! He's alive ::drops to knees and kisses the ground:: hooray!! he's so yummy... I lurrvve him.
*kisses groud w/ CSINYRULZ* hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
our man is back!!!!
I know he looks so sexy.

*tries to revive Lost2MuchSpeed* come one stay w/ us or else you'll miss Flack in action when the season premiers.
OOooooo .... new pics! (And I can't see his badge :devil:)

I love those lines in his forehead. He looks so worried about something. I want to hug him ... and hug ... and ... :eek:
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