Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Yeah, I'm the same way. When I saw him play as Tag is was different because well, Tag is the opposite of Flack. It's still nice to see him play a different role.

Any time I find a new actor on TV that I like, I always try and find them in another role, just to see how different they can be. So far I've seen Eddie in Charmed, 2 x eps of Friends, Sex and the City, Miracle, and I have the Demontown DVD that I'm going to go and watch this afternoon.

The only thing is, so far he seems to be playing nice guys! I mean, I know that Flack can probably be the tough bastard that he needs to be as a detective, but he's still a good guy. I'd kind of like to see him playing a bad guy somewhere along the line.
iluvroadrunner, another Tag episode will be coming up Wednesday - August 16 [6pm; Eastern] and Saturday - August 19 [7pm; Eastern] so you can look forward to that. :)

Any time I find a new actor on TV that I like, I always try and find them in another role, just to see how different they can be.

Yeah so do I. I've only seen Eddie in Friends, Sex In The City, and Miracle. What episode of Charmed was he in. Didn't know he was on that show too. Hmm...Eddie playing a bad guy, eh? Yeah I'd be down for that. It would be real different since he's always played the good/nice/sweet guys.
What episode of Charmed was he in.

Sight Unseen, early S3. He played Prue's boyfriend who kept getting stood up by her (silly Prue, didn't you realize that an evening with Eddie was much more fun than demon hunting!)

And add Glory Days to my list of stuff I've seen him in. Finally gave in and got the DVD. It has the first ep and the last 2. A pity it only got such a short run, but then, if it had lasted, we probably wouldn't have had Eddie in Miracle and CSI.
check out eddie in season 3 of Felicity. He plays a drug dealer who is a real a-hole! he has the longer Tag hair and he is just a jerk. But, he does a lot of tongue porn, so that is good. I have Demon town (or Glory Days) on DVD, and i have to say, all those episodes are pretty good. he was very skinny back then, and his hair was super short, but again, it is eddie, so it is hot!!!
Anything Eddie does or is in is hot, what was Glory Days about i've heard that it was a good show, but didn't get peoples attention. Which is kind of a good thing cause if the show was a sucess Eddie would't be playing Flack.
here are a couple pics of eddie at the Lords of Dogtown Premiere from last May. I went down to the red carpet with my sister and a couple other girls. They had a good camera and i gave them money to make me a copy of every picture. here are a couple good ones:

hmmm...i guess i dont know how to add the pictures. sorry. can anyone help me? or i guess you can just click on the link? sorry about that!!!
feenx said:
Anything Eddie does or is in is hot, what was Glory Days about i've heard that it was a good show, but didn't get peoples attention. Which is kind of a good thing cause if the show was a sucess Eddie would't be playing Flack.

eddie played an author who wrote a book about his hometown, and after his second book failed, he goes home to Glory Island. But no one likes him there anymore because they feel like he made fun of them. So he tries to fit in again, but weird things happen on their island, so he ends up helping the local sheriff and medical examiner (who he has a crush on played by poppy montgomery) to solve teh crimes each week. it was suppose to be a dramatic comedy. it was kinda funny and goofy. it lasted about 9 or 10 episodes.
Welcome to the forums Cahill_Fan! :) It;s great of you to join us. You'll love it here.

Thank you Ceindreadh for the episode info. I haven't seen him Glory Days but that's something else I'd like to watch. I didn't know Eddie played a character like that Cahill_Fan. I'd love to see the episodes with him in it. I wanna see how he plays a not-so-nice guy. Thanks for sharing those pics with us too. :D
I just looked into Glory Island to see if there really was a place, and I got a good laugh. Glory Days was filmed in Vancouver, up here in Canada, well, turns out there's a ship in Vancouver called "Glory Island".

I wish I could have seen the episodes that aired.. Too bad it kinda.. Fell through. Looks like it would have been good!

Speakin' of.. Picture!
Cahill_Fan said:
here are a couple pics of eddie at the Lords of Dogtown Premiere from last May. I went down to the red carpet with my sister and a couple other girls. They had a good camera and i gave them money to make me a copy of every picture. here are a couple good ones:


Welcome Cahill_Fan. You have to have 100 posts before you can post pictures but you can post the links. ^^Here are the pics you posted.
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