Eddie Drool Thread #3 - Snarky, Sexy, & Satisfying

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Ah yes, 'wino forever.' :rolleyes: But it's his body, so I won't say anything else...I'll just tut and shake my head. :lol:

Love his expression here. "Bad Beat" had some funny Flack moments there at the beginning. :p
:D Faylinn that pic is too awsome! Love Eddie on that pole! He's pretty strong and/or talented to be able to get in the air like that.

He has so many great facial express! Flack was great in "Bad Beat". Also loved how he had no problem breaking open cigars. :D
he's so freakin cute. it's not fair.

i want an eddie. and he so actor-y too. i would love to sit down and have a serious acting related conversation with him. it's nice to see an actor that can talk about getting to the root of his character and all those little bits and things. it's amazing.

not that anyone on this show wouldn't be, but i'm so sick of hollywood actors who play the same thing over and over again. he's definitely got a range and ability, and that's so comforting.
thanks to everyone for the pics and posting the artcle link of the interview with eddie. love them, and keep em coming. thanks again!
::jumps up and down uncontrollably:: oh my goodness, I seriously leave for two days and you guys have like 13 pages... wow... go girls... :)

I loved the interview too, the part about the tattoo kinda made me want to shake a finger at him and say "didnt you ever hear the whole 'dont get any name tattoed on your body' " spiel... lol, I got it when I got my tattoos... lol but oh well... no big deal.

I'd love to see him dance and hear him sing, I can imagine him carrying a tune.. how about Eddie in the shower carrying a tune... lol
It's funny how we all automatically say "oh no, that's bad luck" about his tattoo. But they've been together what, 6 years? I'd say they are beating the odds. Since there's no way I could ever have Eddie, I hope that he and his girlfriend stay together forever like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.
totally agree with Lyne on the whole tattoo thing, I mean I just do the natural "oooo you shouldnt get a name tattooed on you" just because thats what you always hear and all you ever hear about are the people who pay to get them removed because something happened blah blah blah, but Eddie and his Girlfriend seem like that genuine couple (though we dont know/see much of them and thats totally fine - its there business) but, they seem committed (sp?) and I think they're beating the odds out too... and yeah I'm not totally giving up hope on having Eddie, I mean, nothing says that he has to be willing to come to me, I can just kindnap him... have my ways with him and return him... :) But best of luck to him and his girlfriend, I think its sweet of him to have it tattooed on his arm, I'd love to see a picture of the tattoo.
Same here CSINYRULZ. I'm interesting in seeing the entire tattoo myself. They are beating the usual Hollywood odds too so that's great! Sure shows he's quite the romantic too with the tattoo.
About tattoo: I've heard, nowadays they have so good tecniques with laser, they can remove even little piece of tattoo (e.g. name) and later you can put a new name :)

But still it's sweet, those romantic guys are very rare. Which is sad :(

He looks so ...boyish in that pic :D
it's cute, but you never know what could happened he can break up w/ her years form now and he'll have a tattoo of her name, but he can get it removed although I’ve heard it's very painful.
and yeah I'm not totally giving up hope on having Eddie, I mean, nothing says that he has to be willing to come to me, I can just kindnap him... have my ways with him and return him... :)

kidnapping eddie...:devil: :D ...

...wait, we have to return him? where's the fun in that? that's not kidnapping that's borrowing.

if we're kidnapping, we're going to need some kind of ransom...
Who says we have to give him back, we can take truns one person has him one week, or more, then we hand him over to the next one and it continues that way.
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