Eddie Cahill Fan Project Revisited

I'm sure we'll find out what he thought of it, it just may take a while.

And, yes, this has taken off. :D Plenty of fangirl love for Eddie here. Thanks so much to all who have participated so far. If you can believe this, Khanada even submitted something cute and clean. :eek: ... Too bad one of her inspired fics can't fit onto a puck and this project doesn't allow for X-rated material. :lol:

Thanks for getting yours in the mail, Cahill_Fan. Sounds like a great one!

For everyone else, you've still got a week. Get on it!
Finally I've finished my freaking heavy load of assignments, so I can concentrate on sending Eddie the perfect message! :D
i can't wait to hear his response on this project. maybe he will invite us all down to the set...maybe he will send us all autographed pictures...maybe he will invite to go away with him for a weekend and ot to pack any clothes...heeheehee just kidding...maybe...hahahha
Cahill_Fan said:
i can't wait to hear his response on this project. maybe he will invite us all down to the set...maybe he will send us all autographed pictures...maybe he will invite to go away with him for a weekend and ot to pack any clothes...heeheehee just kidding...maybe...hahahha

Cahill Fan I think it's called "wishful thinking" - but yeah, nice thinking! :D
Cahill_Fan said:
maybe he will invite us all down to the set...maybe he will send us all autographed pictures...maybe he will invite to go away with him for a weekend and ot to pack any clothes...heeheehee just kidding...maybe...hahahha
Yeah, and maybe he'll invite us all over to watch him and Carmine [CENSORED] ... maybe they'll still have a little energy left for us ... and maybe we'll all have a rockin' good time. :lol: :lol:
MrsG, I just e-mailed you my message. I hope it's alright; I don't trust my program when it comes to measuring sizes other than 100x100 pixels :lol:
^ Just got it. Thanks! The size looks perfect.

We're getting great participation on this project. :D Haven't counted the submissions, but I think we're in the area of 20, which is a pretty high percentage of the Eddie fans on this board.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Yeah, and maybe he'll invite us all over to watch him and Carmine [CENSORED] ... maybe they'll still have a little energy left for us ... and maybe we'll all have a rockin' good time. :lol: :lol:

Awww, isn't it nice when the boys plan a fan project for their fans?! Seriously, though - nice thought Mrs G :D
I promise I *will* get some message together in the next day or two. Work has been so hectic - it's one of our busiest periods - and i just haven't had the time to sit down and think out a proper message, but I'll do it, I promise.
Have to show Eddie that he's got fans all around the world!
I'm definitely going to give my contribution. I'm famous for postponing things until the very last moment but that's usually when my brain comes up with the good stuff... :)

Yesterday I forced myself to sit down and write a message for Melina's project so now it's Eddie's turn. I -will- send something, even if I have to skip work and tie myself down to a chair (skip work... now that's a nice image... ;))
For some insane reason, all I can think of is drawing a chibi/mini-Flack with some cute slogan. Is that a legit submission?