Eddie Cahill Fan Project Revisited

You know what's a little sad? Needing to keep this on the clean side is messing with my creativeness. I'm tapping in to that non-snarky part of me that turned in good papers in college for this one I think. Deadline's coming up, so my sorry behind is working on it this weekend!!
It's hard for me to not be naughty as hell but I'm gonna hold it in this time & be a good girl :lol:. Tomorrow I'm not too busy so I'm gonna get the message down so I can send it out before the end of the month. I wish I could see Eddie's expression when he receives all these pucks.
I'll do my best to come up with something creative during the weekend... I'll probably end up sending an email because two weeks for regular mail may not be enough.

OT: Italian soccer players, huh, jorja ? :D
Springmoon said:
You know what's a little sad? Needing to keep this on the clean side is messing with my creativeness. I'm tapping in to that non-snarky part of me that turned in good papers in college for this one I think. Deadline's coming up, so my sorry behind is working on it this weekend!!

Oh I share your pain. Esp now that I have gutteritis.
Hahahahah! Oh well, I have to think of something fast. :)
Top41 said:
Let me just chime in here and remind you guys that Eddie knows this is coming! I mentioned it to him at our interview, and I imagine he's looking forward to it. :D So, if you're debating about sending him something, I'd definitely recommend it! :)

What interview was that? I just want to make sure I didn't miss something Eddie-related. I look for stuff about him but he doesn't do as many public appearances as Carmine. Anyway if there is a link to the interview please pass it along! Thanks!
Hm. I just read it and I didn't see anything mentioned, but I may have skipped over it inadvertently. It doesn't matter though; I'm sure he's going to love this effort made by his fans. I'm so glad it's happening. I just adore Eddie and he deserves the attention. He tends to get left to catch up behind Carmine sometimes. I love Carmine too but Eddie is my angel. There's just something special about him. It's the things I've heard and read him saying, things I've learned about him as a person. And the fact that he is classic Hollywood movie star handsome doesn't hurt either!
hidinginmyeyes said:
Hm. I just read it and I didn't see anything mentioned, but I may have skipped over it inadvertently.
The fan project wasn't discussed with him on the record as part of the interview. Kristine asked how to get a project to him after the interview, but it wasn't an interview question. That's why you don't see mention of it.

I'm so glad it's happening. I just adore Eddie and he deserves the attention. He tends to get left to catch up behind Carmine sometimes.
Carmine does seem to be the fangirl favorite, so I think it's especially important for all of Eddie's fans to show him some love. He doesn't seem to get as much of it. Though his threads on this board have really taken off.
You know what's a little sad? Needing to keep this on the clean side is messing with my creativeness.
You and me both. :lol: I'm coordinating this thing and still have to create my own message. The word "puckable" is especially messing with me. He's not even the CSI I most want to "puck" and I still can't seem to escape that word. :lol: Here's the kind of garbage that flows through the gutter of my mind:

roses are red
violets are blue
just laying in bed
longing to "puck" you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kidding. This one must be kept clean. :(
hey mrs. giovinazzo, THANK YOU for taking over this project. I hated that I never finished my last message to him and i came back to see how it went, and was ecstatic to see a new deadline. i am going to I.M. you right now to get yoru address! thanks again!
Got your PM. Sounds like your puck is gonna rock!

For those who haven't made a message for Eddie yet, you've still got 8 days until the deadline.
heeheehee, you are too much mrs. g! i was out tonight, so i drove by and dropped it at the post office, you should have it at the beginning of next week at the latest. we are both in cali, so it shouldnt take that long hopefully!!! :)
This sounds like it has really taken off - I hope he really likes it! MrsG we have got to get his manager to let us all know what he made of it! :lol: