Eddie Cahill Fan Project: Fugly Ties

OK - I thought I'd bring you all up to date with the project so far.

Thanks to CSIVegasMiamiNY I have the AoFT wallpaper as the scrapbook cover but the project is in serious need of submissions!! ;)

Thanks to MrsG cracking the whip I know I will have some photos coming from the girls on the forum trip ;) but that will still leave us a little thin on the ground. The project won't work without submissions. If I can have an idea of who is going to participate and what they are planning to send me that would be great. Remember I'm looking for either a fan note for Flack/Eddie, or a photo of you wearing a fugly tie or both. If you're unsure about anything please either pm or e-mail me. :)

The closing date is 31st July and I want to get it to Eddie as early into Season 4 as I can so it will be going off I hope the first week in August so pls don't leave it too late! :D
I'm currently in the process of getting my stickly little hands on a fugly tie :lol: and if it makes it easier for you guys please feel free to post your messages for Flack/Eddie on the thread and I'll include them in the project. We seriously need submissions if this is going to work! ;)
I've got the piano tie in my possession and I've got my friend's digital camera now. All I have to do is get a good picture.

Oh that's gonna take a while. :p But it's comin'! I can't wait to see the submissions from the LA trip girls, it'll be eventful, I imagine.
My little sister confiscated a bunch of my dad's old ties he was getting rid of, and I raided her collection. They aren't all fugly, exactly, but most of them are pretty tacky, and if they don't match what the person is wearing...

Anyway, I've got six I'm bringing to L.A. with me. The one with the flowers is mine, but other people can wear the rest of them (as long as I can bring them back for my little sister to make them into a tacky-ass skirt. Geez, how am I related to this girl???). :D
Yay!! Good thing you're packing extras. I remembered to pack everything for my two-week jaunt out here except the tie. I almost kicked myself. Almost. I don't think the baby would like it if I actually kicked myself.
I wouldn't like it either since it's my baby too. ;)

That still leaves four extra ties. I can't guarantee that they'll be sooper-fug, but you can at least take a picture wearing a tie and looking like an idiot. ;)

By the way, does anybody who's going know how to tie one? I don't...

Edited because I don't make no sense. Dur-dur-dur.
Faylinn said:
By the way, does anybody who's going know how to tie one? I don't...
I'll either have the hubby teach me or find some handy dandy little instruction sheet online that I can print out and copy for everyone. :D

And ka990 - You can probably count all the girls from the trip in as participants.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Faylinn said:
By the way, does anybody who's going know how to tie one? I don't...
I'll either have the hubby teach me or find some handy dandy little instruction sheet online that I can print out and copy for everyone. :D

And ka990 - You can probably count all the girls from the trip in as participants.

Thanks all! :D It took me a while to figure out how to do up a tie again but if you had to wear a school one for something like 6 years it soon comes back!! :)
Yeah, someone is going to have to tie mine for me. :lol:

Fay, I might claim one of those ties if that's okay! We had people over last night and I asked two of the boys to loan me ties, so hopefully one of them will come through, but if not, I'd love to borrow one.
Begging works!! :D I've had another couple of submissions but I need to ask if from now on (those who have already submitted stuff don't need to do anything) everyone puts their board ID/username on their submission, for example if I get a message for either Flack/Eddie your ID/username could be included in the note? I know Eddie sometimes checks the boards out so thought it would be a good idea for him to match a submission to a name, but this is entirely voluntary - if you don't want to, that's fine! :lol:
^ It is a good idea to include both your username and your real name. Eddie does have some awareness of usernames. Let him know the identity of the person behind the username. Also, don't use just your real name because maybe he's read and enjoyed some of your posts but doesn't know who the hell "Susie Smith" is. If you're comfortable using both, I always encourage people to do that on fan projects.
Thanks for the "tie-a-tie"-link. Not sure if I really need it, but good to know there's something like this out there. I'm still not sure if I will join the project. A photo from me... :rolleyes: and what note could I write...

Fortunately there are a few days left to decide... And until then a friend may come by who may know how to tie a tie (so that I won't hang myself trying it) and who could make the photo...

A lot of may's and could's, but yeah, I'm so undecided nowadays... :eek:
Lonia said:
Thanks for the "tie-a-tie"-link. Not sure if I really need it, but good to know there's something like this out there. I'm still not sure if I will join the project. A photo from me... :rolleyes: and what note could I write...

Fortunately there are a few days left to decide..

The closing date is 31st July so you have a couple of weeks (ish) to decide! :lol: You don't have to send both, either a note or photo on it's own is ok if that makes it easier for you! If you'd rather not e-mail or pm me your note don't forget you can post here on the thread. Don't forget your message can either be for Flack/Eddie but if it's for Flack please try (but not compulsory!) to get mention in there somewhere of the fugly ties that gave the project it's name! :D Please remember though that Eddie has a girlfriend so if you want to send a note for Eddie please bear that in mind ;)