E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors

^In the e-mail I would occasionally get qwhagsgek but I think that's cat code for "Carmine is nekkid" but I'm not 100% sure.
Oh it's very good. Mine was something along the lines of..."Will give pics of Fluffy for nudie pics of Carmine"

Gloria's inbox is going to be flooded. She could have a really rocking business if she plays her cards right.
I see a happy trail on Carmine! Oh wait, it's a damn kitten! Damnit Gloria!

That prom night with Steve was great, I never had to go to the restroom to "freshen-up".
Ooh Earl wrote back. Let's see what he had to say...

Deer Jasmenua(wtf he spelt my name wrong)

Thankx 4 ur email. It cann git purdy lonelee in prison. I dunt understannd wut da big fuss ovur Carmine is. Surr, he mey have tight buns but I got da tats dat ull drive u crazy. I may luk scarey but I m as kund as Carmine. So wut if he iz a stud. Hez got nuting on me. Ooh I gotz ta go...time fur dinner. Last tyme it wuz mac and cheze. Carmine likes mac n cheze...

Frum: Earl

Look at that grammer. Wow...
I know, no way does Carmine fart. That's just silly propaganda Gary "Hey I thought this show was supposed to be about ME!" Sinise released in a vain effort to control the media monster Carmine is quickly becoming. :rolleyes: Nice try, Gary. We know better. :rolleyes:
Ooh and this is what else Earl said...

*Carmine dus not fart. Hez too purfect 2 due dat*

See you guys are right!
Gary, Gary, how could you have sunk so low, spreading farting lies. :( Well, when a whoopie cushion mysteriously appears on the NY set, we'll know who to blame. ;)
Aaha so it was Gary the whole time! I thought it was Danny who was making all those tooting sounds in every episode but we all know who the culprit is. Damn, and all this time...
Wait, maybe it isn't Gary behind the honking sound. Maybe it's jkladis! Ooh I knew it wasn't Gary... jkladis is one sly fox.