E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo's neighbors

Ooh Earl wrote back and he told me he can't tell me anything until he's released from prison. Apparently he's serving time for spying on Carmine in the shower but can you really blame the guy. I'd do time heheh.

How is he going to go to the Prom with me then??? Damn you Earl!!!! I guess it's time for the 5002nd e-mail to Carmine. C'mon baby, what do you say?

:lol: Yes, she did. But survey says! Not the daddy! But, you know, I still love the kid like it's my own and stuff. :p

It was the being a girl part that cleared you, right? Poor midnight. Are you still gonna help her raise the kid?

Hah! I bet Earl has a Tanglewood tattoo!

OMG he so does!!!!1111 When is his Tanglewood episode coming???
Heeeeey, I thought you and Carmine were so happy together! What happened?! So, uh, does that mean he's with Eddie now? :p

I bet Eddie made him get the restraining order. :( Poor jkladis--since when is hiding in someone's bushes with binoculars a crime??? :confused:
It was the being a girl part that cleared you, right?


Poor midnight. Are you still gonna help her raise the kid?

Yeah, I mean, I've been there for everything so far, I can't imagine not being in it's life, you know?

OMG! I can't wait for the Earl Tanglewood ep! I mean, what I love most about him is how he's not perfect, you know? I want to know more about him.
Sorry guys, but please tell me, is this a joke about his neighbors e-mail addresses?
I bet Eddie made him get the restraining order. :( Poor jkladis--since when is hiding in someone's bushes with binoculars a crime??? :confused:

*rofl* I am dying here. jkladis's posts always make my day. :lol: Before you know it, he's going to officially announce Carmine is *gasp* literally his own grandmother!
Oh dang, I just got my hopes up and my e-mail was returned. I feel really bad, I didn't know it was a joke :(
Awww jkladis is banned from spying on Carmine. Who will be the one to supply me with all the nudie(sp) pics of Carmine. Don't worry though jkladis, you can always go for Earl. Sure he's freaky looking but who doesn't have a soft spot for the bad boys.
Earl is so fascinating! OMG, he just wrote me back!

From: Earl Varley <lady_killer_all_night_long@hotmail.com>
To: Top41@csifiles.com
Subject: Carmine and THE PROM!!!!
Date: Thur Jan 05 2006 11:01 PM

Top41, thanx fer your message but im in gaol again for peepin on my neighbor...Carmine hisself acktally...but you sound like a real nice gal, and id go with you to yer prom if it werent fer this gaol.


ps if yer lookin for a husband id be a real good one once im out of gaol and all.

OMG Earl!!! He wrote me!!!!
Well, it really got my hopes up you guys, I was depressed the whole day today because I read about all the replies you guys have gotten, don't take me wrong, I'm happy for you all, it's just I am really wanting to get my message to Carmine, and when I saw this thread, my heart jumped.

You guys probably think I'm a weirdo- I promise I'm not, I'm just another Carmine crazy chick.

Gotta go attempt to get to sleep, although I am crying. Sorry I'm so gullible.

I have an identical twin. Okay, I'm really going to bed now.
Don't take what jkladis has to say seriously. One time he e-mailed this pic was was supposed to be a photo of a half naked pic of Carmine sprawled across a leopard print carpet but instead he sent me....well it's too disturbing to say. I've had many sleepless nights since then heh. Actually, I'm just joking about everything I said except for the first sentence.