E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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Okay you ladies who are obsessing about the lack of e-mail response are starting to scare me a little. Please just try to feel good about the fact that you took the time to send him a compliment or two. I'm sure he's appreciative of that. If he responds, great, but if not, that's okay too. The important thing is to let him know you're a fan of his work, not to focus on getting something in return.
True, but when some people get multiple replies, and others get nothing, you can see why they get kinda upset.
Okay you ladies who are obsessing about the lack of e-mail response are starting to scare me a little.

Yeah, only the scary thing for me is it's not just him, I do it obsessively most days to see if anyone's emailed me, the same when I've texted someone, I'm just really impatient. Ah well, I'll just have to sit on my hands and fight it. :rolleyes:
Please just try to feel good about the fact that you took the time to send him a compliment or two. I'm sure he's appreciative of that. .
yes yes but it would have been nice if we know that he is =)))
True, but when some people get multiple replies, and others get nothing, you can see why they get kinda upset.

I hate to say it, but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who he's replying to and when. The folks who have gotten replies have sent very nice e-mails, but so have the folks who haven't gotten replies. He's an actor and not to insult him or anything, but they're flakey and mercurial by nature (well, a lot of them at least).

Enjoy writing him--he seems to like getting the e-mails. If he writes back, consider it a bonus. :)
I hate to say it, but there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who he's replying to and when.

I've noticed that too. Also, maybe he gets too caught up in the Locker Room and neglects his inbox for a while... Who knows what people do when they're bored? :confused:

I wouldn't take his lack of response personally - He obviously doesn't comprehend the importance some of us place in getting a quick response outta him. :(

Okay everyone - big, deep, cleansing breaths....inhale...exhale... now, repeat after me:

"I suffer from OCD but I will not let it control my life. I have other, real friends who love me and e-mail me back quickly. I will not let a 2-dimensional television character ruin my week."

There now, everything is going to be all right... ;)
True, but when some people get multiple replies, and others get nothing, you can see why they get kinda upset.

I can see that, but I agree with Top that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason behind which e-mails get a response and which don't. You definitely can't take it personally because it's not like he has any idea who the person behind an e-mail is. It's not like the guy has the ability to go, "Wow, that's a chick I'd potentially like to nail so I'll be sure to respond to this one."
It's not like the guy has the ability to go, "Wow, that's a chick I'd potentially like to nail so I'll be sure to respond to this one."

LMAO :lol: MrsG - that was classic!
Thanks, kmfx . I think you and I have a mutual appreciation of each others humor. Speaking of which, I believe there was some mention that you and Dream have some more of those faux diary entries. Bust 'em out.
It's not like the guy has the ability to go, "Wow, that's a chick I'd potentially like to nail so I'll be sure to respond to this one."
Now, you don't know that, do you? For all you know he's psychic and can see an image of a person in his head just from reading their email. :D
Thanks for the slap MrsGionvinazzo. I have my demons of rejection and i'm over it. :)

I've only had a minor obsession that i'm completely over now. If i get a reply, i get a reply. Like you said, its letting him know that we care thats the main thing. :)
I believe there was some mention that you and Dream have some more of those faux diary entries. Bust 'em out.

:lol: ah the faux diary entries...we were talking about them yesterday...let's just see what I can come up with...*cracks knuckles*

Picture him sitting on a frilly pink chair with fuzzy slippers and one of those pens that has fuzz on the top of it...(there possibly could be a teddy bear in there somewhere too!)
Dear Diary,
I made a checklist for this year and it's coming along swimingly:
Get on well known tv show so people can see my beautiful mug on a weekly basis...check
Have a website all about ME and advertise it on said tv show's fansite...check
Get all sorts of fangirls all oogly because my character is loaded with angst...double check
Get 'oogly' put in dictionary...(not yet I'm still waiting)
Shamelessly plug an email address so fangirls have a way to tell me about their undying devotion and appreciation for my incredible talent...triple check
As you can see diary this year has been just fantastic for me and as an unforseen bonus there is sandwhich talk in the locker room! :)

:lol: kmfx and I can come up with many more! Our humour is that twisted...:lol:
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