E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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by the way, the link didn't work, some password crap, but I'll just send him one from optimum online and it should be okay... I hope.

Dude that ass shot really should be framed, but if someone made it an avatar then I'd be so distracted I wouldn't be able to read. It would be a hazard...besides I much prefer the whole clip...on repeat...I think I'll go there now

PS- Mrs.G LOVE the new pic...SO HOT! *drools*
i don't think he dislikes you csi007. :)

I still haven't got a reply either. I keep checking my inbox every five minutes to see if i have an email. Its quite sad really. :)
I keep checking my inbox every five minutes to see if i have an email. Its quite sad really. :)

So glad I'm not the only one. It's reaching obsessive levels now. :rolleyes:
me too I've sent two and got nothing... "silently shares the grief*
I keep checking my inbox every five minutes to see if i have an email. Its quite sad really. :)

So glad I'm not the only one. It's reaching obsessive levels now. :rolleyes:

Surely this is a first.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder brought on by email. Or lack of email in this case.

Proving that Carmine fans will go through anything for an email from the man :lol: :lol:
You know what's funny? kmfx[/] and I did that like CRAZY the first couple of times. To the point where if she wasn't checking I was...then we TOTALLY forgot about it because we figured we weren't getting anymore...

...and boom! We got two in two days... :D

I like the idea of OCD (Obsessive Carmine Disorder?) brought on by email...he's generating a whole new brand of disorder...obsessive email checkers desperate to see him in the shower...:lol:
You know what's funny? kmfx[/] and I did that like CRAZY the first couple of times. To the point where if she wasn't checking I was...then we TOTALLY forgot about it because we figured we weren't getting anymore...

...and boom! We got two in two days... :D

I like the idea of OCD (Obsessive Carmine Disorder?) brought on by email...he's generating a whole new brand of disorder...obsessive email checkers desperate to see him in the shower...:lol:

:D OCD= Obsessive Carmine Disorder.

it works.

And I sent mine last night... waiting more patiently than some of you... I'm used to it, during my Orlando Bloom phase (everyone goes through it, right?) I sent him a letter and I never got an answer back. I'm actually kind of glad I didn't- how would I explain that to my mother? Now I still kinda like Orlando but I love Carmine more. It's not an obsession. Right?

:D OCD= Obsessive Carmine Disorder.

Bloody brilliant!

Dream & I had an Orli phase as well (she worse than I) but we never latched on to our fangirl tendencies then and wrote him.

Don't know what it is about our cdg...he's definitely got us all, hook, line and sinker! I mean seriously, it's one thing to invite our e-mails - it's quite another to encourage us by writing many of us back! Cruel and unusual punishment is what it is. Someone needs to tie that boy down... (yes, dear friends, let your minds go there!) :devil:

*Sigh* Sometimes, I wish he were just a '9'! :lol:
Mrs.G LOVE the new pic...SO HOT! *drools*

Thanks. I'm a little fond of that picture myself. Had to crop it close to the face to obscure the fact that he is buck naked on my bed in that shot. :devil: ... yeah, I do suffer from an over-active imagination.

Nice job coining the phrase "obsessive Carmine disorder". Very fitting.
Had to crop it close to the face to obscure the fact that he is buck naked on my bed in that shot.

You made him keep his glasses on? Must've had some snazzy lingere for him! :lol:

Sorry! Reverting to Locker Room talk! *runs away giggling*
Had to crop it close to the face to obscure the fact that he is buck naked on my bed in that shot.

You made him keep his glasses on? Must've had some snazzy lingere for him! :lol:

I made him keep his glasses on for his own benefit as I was about to show him some things he wouldn't want to miss. :devil: ... kidding, it would be more along the lines of wanting him to see the look of stunned disbelief on my face as the sight of him naked on my bed would be much akin to hitting the f-ing lottery in my opinion.
I still haven't got a reply yet. *sigh* But it's OK. I thought maybe when I get my comp back from the shop there will be a suprise waiting for me in my inbox. No such luck...maybe one day he'll get to the bottom of his email box. :(
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