E-mail Carmine Giovinazzo!

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it's all a haze :D.

I wrote that i think he's a good actor. I also asked him how he keeps his glasses on his forehead. It's been bugging me for a while because when i try it with my glasses they fall down. (yes i am that sad) :D
Aw, that's totally cute. I hope he writes back with the secret! :D
He never replied to me, which is why I didn't want to email him in the first place. Now I feel rejected and unloved and will spend the day whining about how Carmine ignored me.

Are butt avatars allowed? That is a good question. And I honestly don't know. I think they might be "frowned upon" unless the butts are clothed. As in, if someone's got a good shot of Danny bending over in some tight slacks at a crime scene, go for it. :devil:

Sadly, I don't imagine anyone has such a shot because Danny's suit coat is usually covering that asset (pun intended).
that is too bad. Oh well, I can at least have him on my laptop, unclothed ;)

yes, csi007 you are now GREEN. and yes, Top41 , I think that it is great that the locker room groupies are in control :lol:
^I know! So disappointing. He needs to give us more ass shots. :lol:

csi007, you're green! :D Yay! Locker Room Groupies are taking over the mod ranks. :cool:
He never replied to me, which is why I didn't want to email him in the first place. Now I feel rejected and unloved and will spend the day whining about how Carmine ignored me.


Don't feel too badly, csi007 , he doesn't respond to all e-mails. Maybe if you ever e-mail him again, include a link to your website and ask his opinion on it. I'm sure he'd be appreciative of all the work you've put into that and would have something nice to say - like, "Thanks for providing a venue in which my horney groupies can view my boxer-clad hotness at all hours."
^ I think that's a good idea. One thing about some e-mail sites is that newer ones pile up over the older ones, maybe he logged on one day and had 528 new e-mails. Logically, he'd probably move down the line so he'd get to the newer ones first, and maybe yours is down on the bottom and he never got to it yet. Why not try again and send a link, as Mrs. Giovinazzo suggested?

BTW, Top is right, the man's a tease! :)
he's probably really busy and hasn't had time to work through all of his emails yet.

that's a good idea Mrs Giovinazzo. :)
It was mentioned by some one in one of the earlier pages of this thread... he doesn't seem to respond unless you write him about the episodes he was asking for feedback on. I wrote once about stuff in general and got nothing, then wrote a reaction to Tanglewood and got a reply two days later. :) Maybe put the name of the ep in your Subject box and that'll catch his attention quicker? :)

Anyone still having problems e-mailing him? I use Gmail and it works just fine. If any of you want an invitation for Gmail, PM me your e-mail addy and I'll send ya one. :)
i dunno? i wrote a really nice email about tanglewood and i got no reply, i then sent one about his cat and got a reply.
My email mentioned my site, Tanglewood and something else which I can't recall, so both those theories are shot down. He was probably offended by the nudez I attached. :D

No, seriously, it was pretty straight forward, saying I liked his work, talked about Tanglewood, mentioned I live in AU where it was airing that week. I've started to deal with the fact that he just doesn't like me. Oh Carmine, why are you breaking my heart?!??!?!
My email mentioned my site, Tanglewood and something else which I can't recall, so both those theories are shot down. He was probably offended by the nudez I attached. :D

Had you, in fact, attached nudes he'd probably be more likely to respond ... possibly in the form of a letter from his attorney, but hey a response is a response. :D
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