
I haven't had any dreams lately.

I usually dream about getting eatten by whales, drowning, or falling.

Not recently, thank God.
I had a weired dream a few day before. It actually was about CSI!

All began like a normal CSI:Miami episode. There was a dance club and people were dancing. A woman on the stage said something like "And now comes the suprise of the night!" Suddendly all people screamed and flinched. They were locking at the floor in shock.
Then it was day. The same dance club just empty. Some cops were standing useless around and Allexx and Horatio stood next to the victim. (I guess so. Unfortunately you never saw the floor...) After the facts about the dead person I can't remember, Alexx turned to H and said: "Say, didn't you want to meet Calleigh?" He looked at her. "Yes. I gonna call her in a moment." Then he went to the door looked out and said to Allexx. "He's working hard lately. Even in his free time."
Then I saw Speed sitting on a bar stool in the water at the beach. He wore a black suit and phoned somebody with a cell phone.
Allex and H walked down the beach and spoke. Horatio hardly tried not to get wet. (It looked real funny. :D) Then they walked up on a hill and Allexx said something like: "You have to tell Calleigh about your desease, Horatio." And he sighed and said: "Yeah, I know..."

That's when my alarm-clock woke me up. STUPIT THING!
I saw a dream that I was driving mom's car and I went to put some gasoline because tank was empty. When I had inserted 20€ I looked at car but it wasn't a car... it was our tractor. Then I noticed it was in wrong spot and I have to move it. WHen I sat in the tractor and started to back... I noticed I was driving a truck, not tractor....

...I think I've been driving bit too much.
I had the strangest dream yesterday...

I was going to be on CSI for some reason, so me and my family were in New York. (Which is strange, because CSI is filmed in L.A....*ponders*), then we went on top of a skyscraper, and my mom pressed a button that was on the corner of the building...and New York shrunk to model size and turned sideways..then when we stepped off the building (because it was tiny), we ended up on the street, and it was normal sized again, but the city was still sideways. Then, those guards that stand outside the palace in London with the tall black fuzzy hats started chasing us (we were still in new york so I was like WTF), so we hid in a restraunt that was selling Cubs hats (even though we were in new york...once again, WTF.), then we went up the side of the skyscraper to press the button again to turn NY back to it originial position. When we did that, we finally got to the studio, but we had to go in the back entrance in an alley....and we had to go through this dark cement hallway that went on forever...and we got to the stage and found out CSI was cancelled.

WTF doesnt describe that dream enough.
I dreamed that I was kidnapped by Dennis Rodman :lol: He had also kidnapped a bunch of children that he used to feed his polar bear.. And did I mention that he was wearing a purple dress and had purple hair? :lol:
I'm not joking, this has got to be the sickest dream I've ever had! :eek: When I woke up I was seriously scared :lol:
i dunno how i can remember this, but wen i was little, 5 maybe, i had a dream that someone was trying to force me into a washing machine....weird lol!
A couple of nights before my friend Ali had her baby girl (Kara) I had a really weird dream that I was pregant and not her. And in my dream i was freaking out and was like "Um ok why the heck am i pregnant...how did this happen!!!???" And i woke up and i was like "Wow, that was...interesting" And when i told Ali (who IS pregnant) she was like " :lol: youre just jealous"
A few nights ago I had a dream that my mom put on this dress a have, it's black with white polka dots and it was way too small on her and her butt was sticking out and it was, well, gross. So, anyways I beg her to take it off but she won't, so I tell her to please NOT pick me up from school in it. The next thing I know she's walking into my school with that dress on her and I was like, "Thanks, mom. Now I'm never going to be able to wear that dress ever again because you wore it and people saw."

Weird huh?

Then I had another dream that this guy I like and some girl I don't actually know (but was my friend in my dream) were in a hot tub talking. So I wanted to join because I wanted to talk to the guy, so I get in and say hi and whatever. Then the girl gets out and I'm freaking out about it being akward but then the guy just swims around in circles in the hot tub... 0o :lol:

ETA: I've had one of those death dreams, too. I had a dream that one of my best internet friends died. I got an email from their sister or something and I was so upset. I couldn't stop crying. It seemed soo real, too. When I woke up I was soo releaved.
I had the greatest dream last night, my crush actually got together with me and we were a REALLY cute couple. Too bad he is to shy to ask me out in real life!! darn him!
I didn't sleep last night so no dreams for me..

But I did have one two nights ago. I was wandering around in some amazing flower field. There were pink roses all around me, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. I had no idea where I was but I liked it. It was the best sleep I had in a long time.
I also remember a dream I had two nights ago. I dreamt I was in a cafe or something, and that a guy in my table (that I don't know for real, but I did know him there) started drinking beer, and I just ran away imediately. Then someone followed me to know why I did that, and I told that person (who I don't know who is either) that I was alergic to it, and that I couldn't be near someone drinking it or I would have a bad alergic reaction. :lol: I don't even think someone can be alergic to beer, but whatever :rolleyes:
I had a dream that i was in my house but my house was upside down. And then i was walking around on the ceiling and i fell out a window and i was like "haha window" and then i woke up...and fell out of bed cause im that cool.
I have watched too much of Twenty-Four

I was Jack Bauer and I was running away and hiding from President Logan and his assistants in our old villageschool.

Oh dear :lol:

That's what you get when I buy two season and watch lots and lots of those :p
I had this dream about me and my collegeagues swimming in a river to get to the other side...

so strange! We all were wearking skirts.. imagine swimming in a skirt!