
I had a dream that I was a police officer, I was going back to my high school for a visit. When I got there the school was in disarray, like an earthquake had hit. The floors had buckled up, and everyone was running around, freaking out.

The school was being invaded by opposing schools! Not only had it been invaded, it had been destroyed! The teachers were running around with paintball guns, and they gave me one too...
I've been having the worst dreams lately. I dream that the closest people to me (my paretns, brother, best friend) are being shot and killed right in front of my eyes, and I never know who the killer is....they're really creeping me out..can anyone help me?
^ wow that's kinda scary.

i usually have really weird dreams but i haven't been able to sleep for the past 4 days. i had a dream that a clown tried to eat my face and after that, i just can't sleep.
^ whoa, that's scaary too.....i once had a dream that i was in a garden, and it was a circular garden, so you couldn't get out of it..and this guy was chasing me with a knife because (now this is gonna be weird) ....because he wanted my back cause he didn't have one....when i mean back, i mean your back...the opposite of your front...

now bear in mind i was sick and i had a fever of 105°F...so bear with me heree
i had this really freaky dream earlier this year and it was really disturbing. this evil little monster thing with like, hollow/blank eye, kinda like a gremlin/gollumn thing lived in at the back of this field full of pure white snow in a cabin/hut thing backing onto this forest. and the evil little thing kept on taking women away from their houses at dawn and dragged them to his hut in this weird, eery light right before the sun rose. this was in the medieval ages btw... and then he like, gutted them and tore out their hearts and intestines and wrapped their intestines on a big wooden stake and shoved their heart on top of the stake. and then i could see that his little hut was surrounded by these stakes and the snow was stained red with blood around them. and then it flashed to the present day and there i was with my friends, standing outside the hut that was miraculously still there and they were telling me the story about the monster that used to live there and i was like 'i'm not afraid' so i went in the hut and it was pitch black but then i heard something rustle and monster was still there...

and then i woke up. it was really scary caus it was in so much detail too.
he or she will live long!!!!!Its good!!!:)
But once i dreamed that my cat died and yes she died....but it was a special dream....so dont worry!!!
This night I made a dream very strange (but cool for some things). At the beginning, i was with friends of my ballet class. We wore costums but I don't know why. And at a moment a girl I really like (who is with me at university) arrived. Suddenly, there was a sort of marriage (but a marriage of people I don't know). And the girl kissed me.
After the alarm clock sounded :mad:
Frightening dream, really...

I--had a dream that I was driving, in my own car, and I was in fact, driving...and all of my professors from school were with me. And unfortunately for me, I feel kind of uncomfortable around some of them, so all of them (well, there's only like four of them) crammed into my car and us all driving around, just the thought of it was pretty weird.

"Tarrah, do you always drive 70 in a 60?"
"Yes, I do...Always, no matter what :mad:"
Last night I dreamt that I was on a crime scene like in CSI. I had to find evidence etc. But I just couldn't do it. So my supervisor got angry and took over. I know it's strange. But the one thing that I kept in mind the most was his disappointment. I felt like a loser. :(

When I was a kid I had a really horrible dream. But I don't know if I can post it in here. It's rather disturbing because it really happened.
he or she will live long!!!!!Its good!!!:)

Are the dream interpreters just trying to comfort you? :lol:

Well, if it is true, I'm glad cus yesterday I dreamt my crush was lying on the floor all bloody and dead. I woke up yelling my head off.
i had a dream last night that i was in a compitition and there were these two bug pools and the two teams had to dive in(from off a branch on a tree) and we had to unlock a locked treasure box at the bottom. my team lost and the water was freezing. but even though we lost, we got these chocolate trophies. i seriously have the weirdest dreams ever.
i had a dream once where i was going down the worlds largest water slide and at the bottom you go into a pool and then get out...any way so i was going down and i feel into the pool part and i was drowning and i woke up because i was actually holding my breath!! i was so freaked out
I always have those falling dreams as someone else said. I usually fall down the stairs or a rollercoaster. (I HATE rollercoasters) Heights don't scare me that much but the dreams do.