Well, last night I had an odd dream, that had a bunch of random things mixed together. First in part of my dream there was a C-train between Calgary and Lethbridge (two cities in Canada, AB) and becasue Greyhound (a bus company) went on strike I planned to ride the C-train. So when I got there, there was no one around besides some extremly terrifying dancing jelly bean. And I was like "what happend to everybody?" and the jelly bean was like "I ate them, now it's your turn!" and I like, was running away and ran onto the train, and suddenly the train turned into some massive castle. And there was some really pretty, gay princess. And she was like "do you want to marry me?" and I was like "umm, maybe later, I gotta get out of here, theres a jelly bean chasing me and I really don't want to be eaten by a jelly bean" then she was like "well, here's a doll, it will help guide you" and I started freaking out yelling and screaming becasue the doll was evily laughing. So I was now running from some terrifying doll and a jelly bean. Then I woke up and almost fell off the bed.