

Head of the Graveyard Shift
Feel free to post dreams that you've had, whether they are of the past of the future. Remember that I'm talking about the kind that we have at night. Anyway, I'll post the one I had yesterday and I'd appreciate it if someone analyzed it for me...
I dreamt that I was pregnant. I was in the week which I was going to give birth. All of a sudden I'm surrounded(sp) by people in a room and suddenly my water breaks. However, my baby is just coming out of me without any forced labour.

That's all I can remember and I believe that's how it ended. Now, one reason why I think it happened is because I'm so excited about one day having a child of mine. I am only 19 so I'm not married and I've never been in a situation where I could become pregnant.

Enough about me. Let's hear what you dreamt about!
6 years ago i had a very strange dream(i dreamed it 12 times):So me n my family +the neighbours/2 kids:Tammy and Rebeca/ were in a vacation!And me and Rebeca were in the room and soldiers came and killed Rebeca!!I could hide in a closet but unfortunately a socks fell out and they killed me too......than i always waked up!
I've seen horrible dreams lately. First I see that my mom dies, then I see that my dad dies. Then I see a bear hunting me. Seriously, I've had enought those awful bear dreams and those animals scare me anyways. Probably because here has been a few around here lately... *sighs*
At least once a week, I dream that I am running from someone and I somehow end up on the roof of a really tall building. Then I just jump off the building. It really feels like Im falling, but just as Im about to hit the pavement I wake up! Its so weird! I dont know why I have them but it happens all the time
I tend to have really scary dreams.... like once I woke up in tears....I'm starting to write down my dreams. Like I have a book that I hide under my bed that when I wake up from a dream I write it down
My dreams are usually either scary or amazing cool. Last night I had my favorite one; I met Mariska Hargitay :lol: and won this big contest where I got to spend a year with her. It was SO cool and I was less than thrilled to wake up from it; Hey, we were going clothes shopping!!
Well my dreams are always kinda stupid, envolving people that i don´t even know, but i have one that makes me freak... i need to make a phone call but i can´t press the right numbers, my fingers keep pressing the wrong numbers, i feel in panic, i start to scream for help, then i see a shadow and i wake up... it´s stupid i know but it makes me feel bad...

I also usually dream about CSI episodes, but i´m on them, sometimes as a victim, other times i´m a CSI... well there are some love parts but that is too naughty to write in here :D:D:D
Last night I had the most boring dream ever...:

I had a dream that I was sleeping, then I woke up, ate breakfast and walked to school, then I actually woke up and at breakfast and went to school. :| I dreamed my morning routine.
Last night I dreamed that I sent a letter to David Caruso, and then he called me.. It's very odd since I've never sent a letter to any celeberty :lol:
It was a nice dream tho :D
It was a while back, but one night I dreamed that I was at school one day, and we randomly had a tornado drill. My friends and I were all sitting out in the hallway against the wall, and a bunch of us started freaking out because we couldn't find Jonathan Togo. :lol: That was kinda strange, lol.
I dreamt that my crush was dead. He had blood on him and was badly scraped, like thte body from Down the Drain from CSI. Creepy.
Hmmm....lots of various and interesting dreams here. Unfortunately I cannot remember the one from last night. However, I'm still trying to figure out what meaning the dream I had of me being pregnant means.
Oh gosh I know I posted only a little while ago but I used to have a nightmare that would go on and on for weeks when I was a kid. It turned so bad that I was afraid to go to sleep. I still get it sometimes. It's when me and my sister (yeah, I know, lousy grammar) are out in the car with my mom driving. I kept asking ,"Where are we going? Where are we going?" And my mom never responded. When I finally pull myself over to look at the driver's seat, there's no one ther and the car is driving itself off the cliff.
I'm very bad at remembering my dreams, but I know that the ones I do remember are very boring/random. I *never* have nightmares that I can remember - the last one that I can remember is from 4 years ago. Most of my dreams aren't vivid or exciting. That makes me sad. :(

I once dreamed about a CSI:NY ep (A Man a Mile) the night after I watched it...except in my dream, I was Mac. o_O
Hmmm. My dad has all sorts of dream books and he even keeps a dream diary. I love to analyze my dreams and see what they possibly mean.

Recent dream: I was in an elevator but for some reason it broke down. Whilst waiting for someone to come and find me, I decided to bake a cake (all the ingredients were there and there was even an oven...). Firefighters showed up and one of them looked exactly like Greg. Except his name was Nick. Somehow I ended up triping and and falling down the elevator shaft. And that's when I woke up. :p

A reaccuring dream I have: I'm in a church and it appears to be around Christmas time. I hear bells ringing or something and then I see 3 doves fly by the church window. I see someone mouthing the word "heart" and then I blow a candle out and I almost always wake up after that. The last time I had that dream was before I moved, I haven't had it since. It's weird.