"Double-Cross" Discussion **SPOILERS**

Toots said:
I didn't know that Marg was Catholic. I thought she was Jewish, like her husband. Doesn't matter. It's all good.

She is Jewish, HELGENBERGER hello :eek: her dad is Jewish, and her mom's not!!! and her hubby is, I don't know how she could be Catholic , but if she said that on Ellen, well , so be it!!! and yes, it doesn't matter this is about Grissom and Sara anyway!!!! and it's about a nun..priest.. and a car salesman... so
^^ yeah.. but we saw like Catherine like doing that .. whats in called.. bless herself.. so she was in it.. so we were all like wondering... So just wanted to like point it out. But is this like a GSR eppy?
according to jewish law (the official laws) if her mom isnt jewish, she isnt. dont ask me why.
she may consider herself jewish though.
it's done through the male child. it's strange. i was born catholic, but raised in the church of england but when my grandpa died i converted back.

i was just say that it comes as an subconscious action.
If you freeze the promo at the right spot you can almost make out the person's face, and I am fairly sure that it's Greg's lovely face.
if it is greg its like he's already back on the job in the field unless more time than a week has passed...and he did look pretty beaten up in fannysmackin'...but it'll be good to see him back though, see how he deals with cases while he is dealing with everything he went through...
I just slo-mo'd the preview and those are definitely Greg's sexy arms. I'd know them a mile away. I really, really hope that there is some mention of his situation, and what is upcoming soon.

This episode's religious content reminded me of something I read in a magazine several weeks ago. It said that Greg finds himself tested physically (as in "Fannysmackin'"), emotionally (as in "Post Mortem"), and spritually (could it be this episode?). I hope I'm not mixing up my articles, but I seem to recall reading something like that.

By the way, I put my own interpretation in the parenthesis above. That part wasn't in the article...only in my fertile imagination.
Toots, I took it to mean it was what happened in Fannysmackin' but you know that fits though, because after the beating and all the guilt there, to see something like what's going on in Double Cross, maybe he's just questioning everything, that is him in that promo, I recognized those shoulders and that walk that first time..I'm sorry, those shoulders are very distinctive :)
I do like your theory, I think with what happened in Fannysmackin' and even if those three things are effected by that, all the other things, like Double Cross and Post Mortem have to add to that questioning.
Two comments:

1. I know that the official Jewish rules state it's passed down matrilineally, but I know people with Jewish fathers whose mothers converted that were raised Jewish. I also know several people that are Hebrew-Christian, meaning they are Jewish by culture but they are Christians by religion. Heck, I know a number of Jewish families that put red and green candles in their Menorah and blue and white lights on a Christmas tree, and will celebrate a more secular version of Christmas along with Hannaukah.

2. Helgenberger is not necessarily a Jewish name--it is actually a GERMAN or Teutonic name. A berger is someone that lives in a mountainous area. A burger is someone that is from a town, village or city. A lot of Americans just assume that anyone with the syllable "berg" or "burg" in their name is Jewish. The most common Christian Denominations in Germany are Roman Catholic and Lutheran.

One question: Does the same priest from Altar Boys show up again this episode?
Hankster said: One question: Does the same priest from Altar Boys show up again this episode?
No, The priest in this ep is 'Tim Guinee', playes "Father Frank Berlin" He has been in Miamia and NY. But not on LV. The Priest in the "Alter Boys" ep was 'Dylan Baker' he played "Father Powell".
desertwind said:
Toots said:
I didn't know that Marg was Catholic. I thought she was Jewish, like her husband. Doesn't matter. It's all good.

She is Jewish, HELGENBERGER hello :eek: her dad is Jewish, and her mom's not!!! and her hubby is, I don't know how she could be Catholic , but if she said that on Ellen, well , so be it!!! and yes, it doesn't matter this is about Grissom and Sara anyway!!!! and it's about a nun..priest.. and a car salesman... so

i know a family who the wife is jewish, the husband was not. and when they got married, he "adopted", for lack of better word, the jewish religion, therefore the children can be raised jewish. if marg's father was jewish, but not her mother, it's possible that they just didn't pick up the jewish religion and just raised her catholic .. but who knows.
desertwind said:
She is Jewish, HELGENBERGER hello :eek: her dad is Jewish, and her mom's not!!! and her hubby is, I don't know how she could be Catholic , but if she said that on Ellen, well , so be it!!! and yes, it doesn't matter this is about Grissom and Sara anyway!!!! and it's about a nun..priest.. and a car salesman... so
Did I miss something "This is about Grissom and Sara?"

Well now this is turning into a who is what in religion. Not saying if any of these are correct but some were well not arguing but coming close to it. So here is what I found, hopefully this settles down the subject.

According to sites like NNDB ..Marg's Religion: Roman Catholic

On Tv.com She made a comment: "Marg: I'm Catholic, he's Jewish, and it was just easier to elope."

Lastly on Wikipedia it says "Helgenberger was born in Fremont, Nebraska to Roman Catholic parents Hugh (a German American) and Kay Helgenberger (an Irish American)."

Umm can anyone tell me again how the conversation turned from the ep (Fictional) to what the religious beliefs of the "Real-life" Stars?