Alright. Get ready for some major quotin' action. :lol:
cSINyFrEaK30 said:
... romance doesn't need to play a part in showing us how much they love each other.
Amen. Is that not such a great testament to how extraordinary their relationship is? Not an ounce of romance on the show between them (yet or depending on how you see it
), and it is still
so apparent that there is something deep between them. Love? As I mentioned before, regardless of whether there are sexual aspects or not, love is definitely there between them and for each other.
PerfectAnomaly said:
We will accept gay characters in sitcoms, because it's easy to accept when we are allowed to laugh at the characters. But portraying a real homosexual relationship where the two people are very much like the average couple still threatens many people.
Thank you for saying that so eloquently. I find it rather insulting that gay people are currently portrayed in such stereotypical, mocking ways on television shows and movies (and I'm a straight woman!).
It's almost like a double slap: people are led to believe that gay people showing up on TV shows and movies means that we are moving past discrimination, but people don't consider
how the gay people are portrayed. TPTB wants to show them as characters who are only useful as mock material and that it's only fine to accept homosexuality as long as it's something to ridicule, I'd rather TPTB stay the hell away from putting gay characters up on screen at all. Show them as
real people who are like everyone else and love and feel and do regular things like everyone else, or please don't show them at all.
I think American women in general are very hard on each other. Bitchy and judgmental, even.
:lol: I think women
everywhere are bitchy and judgemental on each other. It's human nature, babe.
Men are equally capable of being bitchy and judgemental on each other too! Just look at the number of guys going for cosmetic treatment now, for example! :lol:
I also think Lindsay not having definiing characteristics or a portrayal that gives clear insight into motivation for actions and words makes some fans love her. I think having a non-descript character attached to the show's attractive, sexy guy makes it easy for some fans of that guy to interpret her any way they want. It's definitely a "Mary Sue" situation with Lindsay, where some fans can create their "ideal" relationship with one of the show's hot men.
Hear, hear! One of the main reasons (if not
the main reason) I wish Mary Sues were abolished. Srsly, I am not interested in hearing or reading about fanbrats' sexual fantasies with their favorite show's hot men pathetically veiled under one of the female characters' name, thank you very much.
Why is the behavior okay with Danny being that way to Flack but not Lindsay to Danny?
I'd love to hear more replies to this question too.
My opinion: The stereotyping of relationships has a lot to do with this. Say for example, a heterosexual relationship. It is literally
expected by people in general
everywhere that the woman is to depend on the man for support in many aspects. Finances, security, etc. Why do ya think the concept of the independant career woman who doesn't need a man to complete her is still so controversial today?
It's true, even today in our 21st century world, people's jaws still drop when women stand up and say they'd rather pursue a career or a dream rather than hunt down a guy ASAP and marry him and have 2.4 kids. I should know, I get that reaction every time I say I'm more interested in pursuing my ambitions than 'look for a man to complete me'. :lol:
So perhaps the reason why people don't really question Lindsay's behavior towards Danny is because they've already slapped a stereotyped concept on their relationship before even considering the characters' individuality and the reasonings behind their actions. Lindsay = woman so she has the right to treat Danny like a punchbag when he doesn't provide everything she requires because it's expected of him, and Danny = man so he has to provide whatever the woman wants because that's what's expected of him.
In other words, stereotypes are stupid and I wish many, many more people would stop subscribing to them and start seeing people beyond labels, damnit.
Faylinn said:
Danny and Flack have clearly been friends for years, they've got history. With Lindsay, she waltzed in and began mistreating Danny damn-near immediately. Flack knows how Danny works, Danny knows how much he can get away with when it comes to Flack--there's any number of ways to speculate about their relationship. With Lindsay, we saw her from the very beginning, there's no history to take into consideration. All we saw is 'I like you', 'I like you too', *run away*, *chase like a puppy dog*, *avoid*, *chase anyway*, etc
PerfectAnomaly said:
With Flack there’s a foundation and context there that makes us believe that despite Danny’s bratty behavior, he and Flack have a solid relationship. With Lindsay, there is no foundation or context that makes us see anything beyond Lindsay’s bratty behavior. Danny doesn’t have to change who he is for us to believe his relationship with Flack. He does with Lindsay, but that just makes the relationship even more false.
Agreed, on all accounts. I think the fact that D/L came into the picture so soon and that it immediately led to Lindsay treating Danny like a prop/punchbag when they hardly even
know each other is another good reason why people have become so hard on her. No matter how you look at it, it's damn rude and selfish to treat somebody you've barely known for a while the way Lindsay has treated Danny on many occasions. It's worse when you compare it with the relationship between Danny and Flack and realize that not only do the two men have a long history together (before the
pilot episode), Danny and Flack have
never compromised their personalities to have such a deep and special relationship. They're true to themselves and well, they're true to each other too.
1csimfan said:
I'd love to hear why they don't think Flack loves Danny as long as it's anything except: because Danny's with Lindsay or because Flack couldn't love a guy (even though we're just talking friendship/brother type love).
:lol: Girl, I think you just answered yourself there.