Doctor Who!


Really loving this show.

We just finished watching s3 here in the US and have morphed into a huge HUGE fan of the series and David Tennant.
Hi all. *waves* I've fairly recently become addicted to DW. What a fantastic show! :D I first saw the last three eps of S3, and it completely sucked me in. Now I've just finished watching everything up to the last ep of S2. Man, "Doomsday" was completely heartbreaking. I knew it was coming, but that still didn't stop it any from being incredibly sad.

I've got a question though... but maybe I just missed something. At the end of S2, Rose told the Daleks all about how she killed their emperor by 'pouring the time vortex into his head and turning him into dust.' But at the end of S1, she had no actual memory of that. So what happened? Did the Doctor tell her about it? I was always under the impression that he never did, but perhaps I falsely assumed?

Hmmm, too bad about no new episodes in 2009... but I'm actually pretty psyched that David Tennant is going to play Hamlet. I would absolutely love to see that play... and who knows, I just might get a chance to!
I've got a question though... but maybe I just missed something. At the end of S2, Rose told the Daleks all about how she killed their emperor by 'pouring the time vortex into his head and turning him into dust.' But at the end of S1, she had no actual memory of that. So what happened? Did the Doctor tell her about it? I was always under the impression that he never did, but perhaps I falsely assumed?
Your impression is right. That is, we never saw him tell her on screen about what had happened at the end of S1.
Obviously he either told her off screen or she remembered herself eventually.
IIRC, when that ep aired in the UK, there was a bit of fannish annoyance that such a big thing had happened off screen.

Doomsday to me was a bit of a relief because by the end of S2 I was getting fed up with 'Rose the magnificent and her sidekick the Doctor' show that S2 had turned into. I knew BP was leaving and I was just relieved that TPTB had managed to get rid Rose gone with no means of return, but hadn't actually killed her.
Some spoilers on the upcoming Children In Need Special found here. Should be fun!

As far as Rose goes, I don't hate her but I DO think she's a very selfish character. I'd have liked her a lot more if she didn't treat Mickey so poorly (Boomtown, Parting of the Ways in particular) and if she hadn't been so quick to leave her family and friends for a chance to stay with the Doctor at the end of season 2.
So did you all watch the Children In Need Special? HILARIOUS. FREAKIN' HILARIOUS. It caused a lot of squealing and giggling and outright laughing hysterically for me. :lol: Pretty sure my landlords think I'm nuts now. I highly recommend watching it. :D

Christmas special in just over a month! Oooh, I can hardly wait.
I saw Children in Need - *EDITED*. It's brilliant. I personally think it's their best CiN episode yet. Peter Davidson just jumped straight back into his role brilliantly, and my hat goes off to him for keeping a straight face through all that. And David Tennant... has Ten ever been so excited? Or rude? lol. Poor Five, putting up with that.
martha is surposed to be back half way through the next season of the show, so their will be 2 assistants for the doc! shes going to be in a few episodes of 'Torchwood' so I believe.
Clarrisani, please do not discuss downloads on the boards, unless you clearly state that it comes from a legal source (like iTunes).

shady, I edited your post to put it behind a spoiler code.

Guys, please re-read the Help and Information thread if you're unsure what to post and what not to, how tos, etc. Thanks.
Sorry SunsetBoulevard. Only way you can see that episode outside the UK, and it is available on the BBC website. I should have said that.

John Barrowman has announced that he will be filming in DW after Christmas, so that makes three companions. There is a rumour around for a fourth companion, but I won't announce anything until I see it/hear it from a reliable source.
For those of you who haven't already heard, Billie Piper is coming back for the Series Four finale!! She said she missed the show a lot, so she decided to come back. Apparently in the finale they're gonna have Donna, Martha, AND Rose, all together in one place. Oooh, this aught to be fun. :D
With regards to the spoiler...

Abso-BLOODY-lutely BRILLIANT! RTD is determined to haul us to hell and back in a hand basket!

More info from the BBC..... (MAJOR SPOILER so the usual warnings apply!)

S4 news

P/S: ... am having problems with the spoiler codes so myapologies for not blacking this out...
With regard to that spoiler [headdesk]
Why oh why can't people leave well enough alone. Rose is gone and good riddance to her. It took the Doctor long enough to get over her and now she's back? Yeuch. Let's hope Martha and/or Donna can give her the smackdown she deserves.
Mind you, I, for one, am terribly (albeit cautiously) pleased that RTD's "apparently" found his original road map. "Yea" of "Nay", we shall see soon enough, I reckon.

Finally, SOMETHING'S "coming up Doctor". :) *this spoiler has placed the "Zippety" in my "doo-dah today!*

*sigh* Ok, back to regular non-Who life....
All I have to say, with all the spoilers around, I hope the Doctor's Tardis is big enough, if only to hold a few egos and keep certain people seperated. Something tells me this could get nasty.