"Doctor Who" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Greg and Doc, anaylyzing the death, and [BTW did you all notice that Eric had all those moles that were on his face removed?] Now his skin is all clear and smooth;)
I just have to say, on my TV screen all his moles where still there. I do not think after all these years, unless they became cancerous, he would have them removed.
I really liked this eppy. I think Raymond is now starting to trust the CSIS more. I think that Raymonds temper will get him into trouble one day, although he seems to be the type of guy who is really mellow most of the time but when he get angery enough, well hes a big (hot :rolleyes:) strong guy. I really liked the Nick-Ray moments. They have more in common then they know.(Same thing with Sara and him). I can't wait for next weeks. I know a lot of people think it's Nick that gets shot. I have to agree. I hope all us fan girls don't go into a tottal melt down :eek:
HMM, cause' we all remarked about his face & the moles from before and how they were all gone. I think it would be for cosmetic reasons, not any thing dangerous. He's still a cutie:psome pictures of him and look for yourself~
Well just saying they are not gone, maybe slightly covered with make up more so, but a cap from last night You can see them on his right side still.

I'm still wondering why no one has asked about Ray's wedding ring, if he is married. I mean I know everyone at my workplace who is married or dating or stuff like that. It is just weird that no one has really asked him.
I liked this for the most part. Catherine having to go Nasty Supervisor on Ray proved to be the best 2 minutes of television like, ever. Perfect delivery, and you could see how angry she was without her having to scream at someone. Kudos to M.

Not a bad episode, but I am looking forward to next week a teensy bit more. I'm really nervous, yet ready for this one. I think I figured it out, but I won't bring it in here. I posted my thoughts in the spoiler thread.
Ranndom question but did anyone notice how Langston supposedly has a wife but his house looked completely like a bachelor's pad?
I've been under the impression that they are separated. At the end of last season, didn't she call him to let him know that she'd found a box with his father's old war medals? At the time, I got the distinct impression that she'd found it at their old house, which is where she lives, and Ray is living elsewhere. Otherwise, wouldn't she just wait till Ray got home and show it to him, rather than calling him to have him come pick it up?

Did anyone notice the seriously creepy look Ray had on his face as he was standing out in the hallway while Nick walked through his home? That was rather chilling, though I felt that it was also another case, as others have suggested, of the writers working maybe a little too hard to make Ray look guilty. I'm looking forward to next week's finale!
Just unsticking the thread...Feel free to continue with your conversations. And, if you hadn't noticed already, the 'Meat Jekyll' thread is now up for comments.
I think Dr. Ray does indeed have a temper, [LF is a great actor] but for most of the time he contains and surpresses it. And he's still got a lot of mystery that as of yet hasn't been explained, so next season on him being married might be revealed. He was incredible in this episode and I was almost scared of him when he did come up behind Nick, It flashed through my mind that he was going to knock Nick over the head. But he is a loner of sorts and is finally warming up to the team and realizing they have his back:bolian:
That was a fantastic episode.I know that Langston isn't a fan favorite,but he gave a great performance in the episode,which had a perfect storyline that has already hooked me for the season finale.I was expecting Jekyll to be the killer of the reporter but I was proved wrong.Ray had some major conflict with many characters but in the end they all tried to help him catch Jekyll.
Robbins,David and Hodges were again great.After seeing the flashback with Wendy and Langston I wonder if they will show us why Nick was watching Langston's interrogation in Ghost Town.
AHH, but Langston aka LF is a fan-favorite, and he was superb in this episode, out of the 13-14 million fans who watch this show weekly, he's a popular character or TPTB wouldn't have offered him a new contract for S/11. He's fantastic, and is doing a fabulous job on CSI:bolian:He also lost his temper in "Mascara" with that low-life scum-bag who was rambling on and on about "how something inside made him do it" and Brass pulled him away. And when he went to see creep show Haskall, in jail, and he played cat and mouse he yelled "Get him outta of here", and in "Irradiator" he slammed that guy against the wall when he was needling him. But this was different in "Doctor Who" he was angry and frustrated at not being able to catch this guy, and he blew his top, for as he saw it his inadequacies, and failure to apphrehend this creep show. So compelling and gripping was his performance~
O.T. but I saw this thread at the top of the forum and was like "wait a minute, I thought I was in the CSI Vegas forum, not the general TV one!"
I checked today, and Preseason Football is scheduled instead! :( Arggg Thursday nights are meant for CSI repeats!
I checked today, and Preseason Football is scheduled instead! :( Arggg Thursday nights are meant for CSI repeats!

If you have a local WB station it should be showing CSI. I know mine is. My CBS station is showing the Patriots! (I just have to remember to go to 114-1 instead of 4-1 :eek:)
