Do you Suffer from the CSI Madness?

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YES, I do. It's all I think of when I'm at work, getting home, getting everything done, before 7 pm, so I can sit and watch CSI and not be bothered. {the other day I had the erge to buy a flashllight, baggies and one of those big twizzers}. I really need to get a life.... :eek:
oh my gosh! i think i suffer from SCIDS! shhhh! don't tell! LOL i do miss new episodes though. and no i'm not obsessed. as some say,"I'm just dedicated"
OMG!! it is so like me when the new episodes are gone . . .
Although something awfull we have here (Argentina) is that we never know whether CSI is coming back everytime a season ends . . . If we are lucky it just happends what happened here with "Miami" and "N.Y." they pass to another channel with a different hour and so . . . It's so frustrating not to know for sure if your favourite show will come back or not . . .
My madness comes when my little sister comes screaming into the room yelling at me that it is too scary and so I have to turn it off, sometimes five minutes before the end of an episode. Honestly I have a really big house but she needs to be in the ONLY room with TiVo. Then I get really annoyed. I can't wait to get the DVDs in half a month, then I can watch it on my TV. But until then I am like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
vegaslights said:
My friend Lisa H from Elyse's CSI board did a post last year during March Madness, which is currently invading us, which means no new CSI episodes.

She posted this funny, yet interesting article on the CSI madness, which was originally posted on my website here.

But here is the full article from my site:

Thanks to Lisa H from Elyse's CSI Message Board for this neat article, posted on Modern Day Sherlock with permission:

Do you suddenly find yourself awakening in the night with a gnawing but nameless anxiety? Have you developed excess atomach acid, facial tics and split ends? Are you craving rare beef and organ meats? Do you feel a bizarre resentment of tall athletic people? Does the sight of a full moon, a pumpkin or David Caruso's head annoy you for reasons you can't explain? Are you angry at Les Moonves and it has nothing to do with Dan Rather or Julie Chen? Are you tearing out your own hair and then examining it for tags? Do you stare longingly and with much affection - at maggots? Does the end of winter fill with dread rather than joy?

If you answered yes to 2 or more questions, then you may be suffering from.....SCIDS!!!!!!!!

SCIDS - Sudden CSI Intermittent Deprivation Syndrome. An epidemic that is known to peak in late March in North America. Also known to occur in December and the summer months. More common in females. First identified by the WHO (World Health Org - if you thought immediately of the rock group, you are in the early stages - seek help)in 2001. Not considered fatal although some victims feel that life is not worth living. Symptoms worsen on Thursdays. Some victims report a hatred of presidential news conferences, Christmas vacations and especially - college basketball.

There is no cure. Not contagious - often, there is only one person afflicted within a household. Treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms. Suggested measures:

Repeat viewing of classic CSI episodes

Self help peer support - on Elyses board

Attitude of gratitude - recall the misery of life pre-CSI, when the word "decomp" had no meaning for you

Rental of movies featuring the CSI cast, old epsiodes of China Beach, ER, Different World

If this does not help try distraction therapy:
Clean out the crumb tray under your toaster oven

Go to WalMart and watch the new summer furniture arrrive

Alphabetize your spices, backwards

Go to your butcher and ask for a dead pig. Tell him you are having a luau. Place the pig in your garage and watch it decompose.

Walk up to strangers in restaurants and ask, very politely, "May I have your straw?" Place in a baggie, label, smile and walk away mysteriously.

Get a photo of Greg, circa 2001, and take it to your hairdresser. Say, "This is the look I want!"

Get on your knees with tape and search your carpet for fibers. Collect them and bag them. Then go to every neighbor's house and ask to do the same thing in their homes.

This disease is self limiting. You WILL survive. Usually lasts a few weeks so hang in there and know that other sufferers are here for you. We CAN defeat March Madness - AKA SCIDS!

And yet another season of March madness bring forth the CSI Madness. And this time a bit longer. For those who didn't suffer it from before, do you have it now?
I suffer each day of the week that isn't Thursday, how am I going to cope with this?? Easy answer, I'm not. Anybody got the date on the next episode??
Oh god :eek: I deffinatley suffer from SCIDS noooo BUT no fear i have the madgic cure to aliviate symptons *runs to my DVD cupboard and hugs my CSI DVDs* :D

Brillient article thanks vegaslights
All i know is that when March Madness is over, CSI better be absolutly brilliant, and have no more weeks of for the duration of the season!!
Oh no! 5 weeks without Nick this is horrible :( I knew there was a reason I didn't like basketball. Thankfully we suffers of the Nick Syndrome have the ward to help us get through this difficult period. Will also rely on my dvd collection.
LOL it's like my CSItis thread in the general chatter section :)

I'm gonna go nuts too, going to have to watch Spike reruns to keep me happy lol
I definitely suffer SCIDS - my case is so severe that sometimes (okay, quite often...and yes, even on school nights) I'll stay up all night just watching my DVDs. Really. I won't sleep (I tell myself that I'm building up stamina for pulling all-nighters in university:lol:). I can't wait for summer, just because it means I can completely flip my sleep schedule and become an owl. Which means...constant CSI without my parents telling me to turn off the TV!!! :D
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