do you prefer greg as a lab technician or a CSI?

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I prefer Greg as a CSI. I think he has outgrown the lab. I sometimes forget he was even in the lab. Greg has not changed except he is more mature which I find very sexy. He's still as funny as he ever was. Greg belongs in the field, he is an excellent CSI and I believe he is going places.

Besides, Eric Szmanda worked hard to get his character where he is. I think we should think about what Eric wants and stop whining about the past.
Actually I like him to be a CSI rather than a lab tech. I think he needs to have more chances to improve as a CSI! I hope to see him more in the scenes, I hope to see him to be maturer in CSI work but not as a lab tech. S7 will be a turning point of Greg and I am willing to see he may breakthrough himself to be more successful.
I like him in the field when he get more screen time, he was lacking last years, sound the writer don't know what to do with him but when he is in the lab, they know what to do with him. I like him in the field but I get nervous when he is out there around the bad guys with guns. He is the youngest CSI. Cop don't always paid attention to the CSI, remember Nick. DA wasn't suppose to take his eyes of him.
Lab techie. It seems to me that ever since he wanted to be in the field he has acted like a totally different person. He was so much funnier and laid back in the lab. In one episode (I think Spark of Life) Mia mentioned to Greg that "Rumor has it that you used to be a funny guy." He has definetly lost his humor and all-around Gregness.

Or maybe I'm just biased because I don't like him.
I have to agree with you Steph I Am a Greg fan and I actaully preferred him in the Lab,He was funnier back then not to mention he had more screen time but thats Just my humble opinion on the matter
Wojo said:
I prefer Greg as a CSI. I think he has outgrown the lab. I sometimes forget he was even in the lab. Greg has not changed except he is more mature which I find very sexy. He's still as funny as he ever was. Greg belongs in the field, he is an excellent CSI and I believe he is going places.

Besides, Eric Szmanda worked hard to get his character where he is. I think we should think about what Eric wants and stop whining about the past.

Word. People seem to forget that Greg wasn't happy in the lab anymore. I love CSI Greg. :3
I'm stuck between the two.

Lab Greg was hillarious... CSI Greg got more screentime in Season 5 & 6... but something died.

But if being a CSI makes Greggo happy, I'm all for it. Personally I loved season 4, when he's be in the lab sometimes, then in the field. Oh and I think someone said something about demoting Greg to lab tech. YOu can't really do that. CSIs and lab techs are two completly different jobs.
I'm all for Greg as a CSI. I know that the Greg in the lab was more gregarious and fun to be around, but I also like the slightly more mature/ serious Greg Sanders that we're seeing as a CSI. :p
I think that Greg is quite a nervous CSI (but getting better) whereas he is a very spirited technican due to the fact that he's confident at the job.

I prefer Greg as a CSI because you get to see more of him<3. I also liked him in the lab because he was more energetic and he was wearing his personality out on his sleeves but its getting better and he is slow evolving into the old Greg, and his probably only being serious because he has to impress Grissom 24/7 :p
I preferred him in the lab, as he was always a sure fire winner for a giggle.
Having said that, a long running show like CSI has to show character development for it to progress and continue, so having Greg become a CSI was, I think, a natural progression for his character. Plus it's a good contrast between the newbie and the old hands - everyone has to start somewhere!
I don't like him at all. But he was better off a lab technician. We see less of him there. And it was always nice watching everyone pick on him.
erm i'm very stuck so i would have to say both. greg was great in the lab so funny but he didn't want to be in there anymore he wanted something challenging. i do like the new greg too he matured and is happy to be working in the feild now. we all have to accept it and move on greg isn't going back into the lab so we should complain or whine how we want him too. he is still funny and very hot
I think somehow 'lost his spark' being out in the field. :eek:
I know he is learing, but he doesn't seem as happy to me
He was funny and brought a 'touch of lightness' to some pretty heavy cases and scenarios, now, he's very serious
We'll see how season 7 goes
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