Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character


Until she can get over her problems and stop using them for excuses then sure, she may make it to my 'okay' list but of all the characters on this show, she drives me insane.
Re: Dislike A Character

Yeah...I both like and dislike Sara. I like the blunt and concise way she acts, but at the same time, she can't keep using her personal problems to gain sympathy from everyone.

Then again, if she kept it all bottled up, she should go see a counselor or something in order to learn how to deal with them instead of breaking down in front of the CSI team or begging sympathy from them when she screws up.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Destiny:
Posted by OrangeCrushWEyeliner:
I dislike the guy who does Trace. His character just gets on my nerves. I guess he's supposed to be the 'irritating' character but he annoys me beyond belief.
Descript of irritating, annoying, nerve racking i am guessing your talking about "Hodges"? if so expect more nerve problems, the actor has been made a regular on the show. ;)
Daaah, yes, Hodges. I realized that after I actually read the thread. :rolleyes: :p I find Ecklie just as annoying, but every show needs a good antagonist, and I think Ecklie fits into the flow of CSI well. Hodges though... I think the writers just want me to pull my hair out or something...
Re: Dislike A Character

I loved Sara for the longest. She even out ran my love for Nick for a while. Then season four started, and my love for her dwindled a lot. The drinking, the obsession with Grissom, the mood-swings, the angst... it just got to me so much. She's gotten a lot better this season, thankfully. I think hanging around somebody like Greg has helped her come out of the dump, but she's going to have to work really hard to get back up there in my favorites list again.

Grissom's never been on my favorites list, but he has made it to my dislike list several times. It's usually for only an episode where he's being a complete jerk (usually to Nick, sadly enough), but it's been more times than I'd like to admit since I really do see Grissom as the center of the show.

Warrick is a guy that I hated, hated, hated in season one. The moment that season ended, however, his character just suddenly latched onto me and I loved him because he was there and a nice guy. I suppose his "I can get a print off of air" line in 'Burked' really made me smile that I just loved the guy.

Catherine, Nick, and even Greg have never been in my dislike attitude. They've annoyed me at times, but not to the point of disliking them. Even Hodges, Sophia, and Ecklie have always had a warm place in my heart.

I also agree with MareGrissom about the sheriff. He pissed me off more times than I could count.
Re: Dislike A Character

i really dont like ecklie....and very early on, i wasn't too warm to sara's character, but through the season she kinda grow on me, and now i think she's kinda cool
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Ecklie cause he's a jerk, Sara just because, and Hodges cause he's really annoying and is a major suck-up.
Re: Dislike A Character

I did dislike Nick's character but liked him after the season finale.

I started to dislike Greg in the field because he seems out of place, but like him better jamming out to his music in the lab.

Sometimes I like Sophia, sometimes I don't. She can be whiny and annoying at times. It would not hurt the show if she was no longer on it.

Everyone else-so far I like. Hodges is a perfect butt kisser.
Re: Dislike A Character

I very much dislike Ecklie....but who doesnt? lol

I also didnt like Nick for awhile because of one episode where it seems there was a little sucking up on his part, but I love the guy. Hes hot and does his job.

I also dont like the character of Sofia. She gets annoying and Im just a hardcore GSR shipper and i dont like people keeping Grissom away from Sara! lol.
Re: Dislike A Character

Yes I agree Nick is sometimes too meek. He needs to stand up for himself...But not to go as far as Cath who is a straight up bully who cares about no one but herself.

Grissom should soften up and give something of himself to the ppl around him. What is he scared of?
Re: Dislike A Character

Well lets see..

I don't like the word "hate"..but some of the characters annoy me more then the others..and sometimes I just want to give them good smack for some of their behaviour:

Grissom: For treating Nick like dirt, for ignoring Sara and sometimes he's just toots his own horn a little too much for my liking

Warrick: He can be so damn arrogant!

Catherine: Sometimes so judgemental

Sarah: Too hard on herself..

Nick: Too much of a pushover..one of these days we will see footprints all over the back of his shirt

Now I do not like

Sophia: She's a know-at-all

Ecklie: For obvious reasons

The Sheriff: He's more eager to please the press
Re: Dislike A Character

Hmmm...I think I like pretty much all of them, but if I really have to choose one, I’d say Catherine. I know it’s never easy for anyone to be a single mom and a successful career woman at the same time and she’s doing just fine. But to me, sometimes Catherine just has too big an ego (or maybe she doesn’t, but she stands out, compared to Grissom or Nick, who never loses composure no matter what circumstances), even Greg shows more reliability than her at times. And it does annoy me to see whenever Catherine detects the slightest seemingly intrusion of her “territory”, she gets so bend out of shape and talks irrationally. I can see the constant emotional unstableness eventually will jeopardize her judgment. Yes we are no divine, but I still think there are better ways to handle emotions.