Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

she was making an advance, otherwise it wouldn't be considered shippy by some.

there's also no more bets "i thought you didn't have a problem with..." she blames his discomfort with her advances for her not getting the promotion nick deserved.

still waiting on an example of cath.
Re: Dislike A Character

It's shippy to me because of the undercurrent there...but it started out as a professional exchange. No more bets...she asked if he had a problem with her...honest question because his reasoning for the promotion recommendation was a little...no alot stupid.
It seems to me that some die-hard Cath fans and by extension some GC fans, see nothing redeeming at all about Sara and again I think thats unrealistic. They have portrayed both of these characters as flawed at times, but both are smart beautiful women. They are neither one better than the other and they are both strong women who've risen above less than perfect backgrounds. Regardless of whether they were of their own making or not, they both managed to make something of themselves. I refuse to reduce either one of them to "wallowing in self pity whiners" and instead choose to think that we've seen both at times act like not so perfect, flawed individuals.
Re: Dislike A Character

the point is still you made an assertion that you can't (or won't) back up.

Hey, I really, really dislike Catherine. She uses her sexuality in completely degrading ways. There's a difference between being confident and being trashy. She's frequently bitchy and catty for no evident reason and has an air of superiority to everyone around her. She just bugs me.

and your arguements remind me of gil's line "can you go a day without a rationalization." all i'm asking is for you to back up your opinion.
Re: Dislike A Character

Come on now, I think people's opinions of Sara are clearly biased by the ship they are supporting. I usually have no problem with Catherine, aside from the fact that she gets away with everything, whereas Sara is held to a different standard. I just don't think it is fair to see Sara as "whiney and demanding", especially if you are using her relationship with Grissom to back your claims up. And why is it not sexual harrassment if your BOSS, tells you he was interested in beauty since he met you but it is when you mention "whatever happened or didn't happen between you" in a conversation? I would say you should blame Grissom too in this. But yeah, he was never interested in her anyway, right?

Hottie_Cath said:
cried for attention from a man who wouldn't give her any,

Um...I wouldn't count on that. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

ziggystarduzt said:
I just personally feel that Catherine has an aura around her of overt sexuality.. she interacts completely differently with men than she does women,
Thank goodness she does! In S6, she made Sara whole, brought out the best in an otherwise awkward and often asexual character . She made Sara lovelier, more feminine. A woman with a great brain. Not just a brain.

ziggystarduzt said:
and has never show herself to be above flirting with a man to get exactly what she wants. I respect women who are comfortable with their sexuality, don't get me wrong, but I also think that using "womanly wiles" to obtain a goal is very degrading to the gender. I just respect a woman who above all uses her brain and language skills before she does her pretty face.

First of, I don't remember Catherine using her "womanly wiles" to reach any goal. Remember this, from Strip Strangler ?

CATHERINE: Well, if I get a promotion, I want it to be on merit ...

And this scene from Swap Meet ?
GRISSOM: The position calls for leadership, Catherine. You have to inspire others, solve problems, which means you have to leave your own problems at home.

CATHERINE: I want the job because I can do it. I'm qualified, I'm motivated
and I'm ready, Gil. You know that I am.

GRISSOM: I do. Which is why I already sent in your A.P. I gave you 100%. I
even put in a good word with the Director. The rest is up to you. And ... I
hope you get it.

And if she's been Grissom's right hand and left for so many years, it wasn't because she was using her "feminine wiles" and pretty face before her brain and language skills. She uses her brain and language skills a lot, and her great people skills too, to help him along.

Of course it helps to have a pretty face and a comely figure: men can't help but notice and respond to a beautiful woman. But what follows is what matters, and Catherine has the necessary brains to take it from there. More power to her, I say!

Txxgrrrl said:
The difference is...Catherine chose to be a stripper...chose to do drugs...chose to marry a loser. A lot of Sara's problems stem from a childhood that certainly wasn't of her choosing.

You know it's funny how women are sometimes the harshest - and often the most unfair - critics of other women. We're an embarrassingly arrogant and self-righteous lot.

Chose... chose... chose... We're not given all the details surroundng Catherine's childhood and young adulthood. But in the real world, for people like her, it's often a Hobson's choice. I've worked with some of them and I can't say I could have done as well for myself had I been in their shoes. Life sometimes throws us dreadful curve balls, and we cope with whatever means we have at hand.

As for marrying a loser, she married for love and he turned out to be a loser. She continued to care for this feckless man, and remained faithful to him. All that is to her credit. His being a loser in no way stains her character. It happens to too many women, just as quite a few men marry horrid, calculating women who make their lives a misery.

Perhaps it's because I grew up in a countries where professional women are both smart and feminine, and proud of it, that I find it hard to comprehend why professional women here are respected only if they make sure they leave their sexuality at home. Is it because women feel it's an unfair advantage that the smart and sexual woman has over the smart but asexual one? Which probably explains why the harshest critics are women. :lol:

As for the few men who complain... I've other ideas :D
Re: Dislike A Character

ren28 said:

Txxgrrrl said:
The difference is...Catherine chose to be a stripper...chose to do drugs...chose to marry a loser. A lot of Sara's problems stem from a childhood that certainly wasn't of her choosing.

You know it's funny how women are sometimes the harshest - and often the most unfair - critics of other women. We're an embarrassingly arrogant and self-righteous lot.

Chose... chose... chose...

I was just disagreeing with the assertion that the description of Sara would be someone who whines about a background that was her choice. That's not quite the case as she didn't murder her own father and stick herself in foster care. And Catherine did choose these things for herself...she also chose to turn her life around for herself and her child. As I said in my subsequent posts' I think those are commendable qualities...as commendable as Sara rising above her particular set of circumstances.
Destiny said:
Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.
Alright apparently I need to remind everyone what is on page-post one, and what this thread is for. As stated above their is no need to "Defend" your favorite character, people give who they dislike/Like and their reason why. While you have the right to disagree with them, this thread is not for arguing it out, the premise for this thread is so that people can openly say why without feeling they have to argue or explain further why.

Hopefully this will clear up several questions some had. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

Txxgrrrl said:
coolcatz said:so what sara had a crappy childhood. a lot of people do. the difference is catherine decided to move on from her past while sara wallows in it.

First off, I don't think Sara is an alcoholic, Grissom certainly didn't. I do take issue with the idea that Sara caused her own emotional issues. She had help, but I think she's moved on from her past as well as she could. I've never heard her blame anything on her childhood. Sara managed to get a college education and then chose a career where she might actually be able to help people, so she most certainly didn't just sit and wallow. I think she deserves some credit for that. Catherine put herself through college and raised a child without much help so I definetly give her credit for that. They are both human and they BOTH make mistakes. I recognize that Sara isn't perfect, she's a multi-dimensional character as is Catherine and they both have their faults. I've enjoyed both of these women this year but I don't think its a cut and dried Cath is perfect while there is nothing redeeming about Sara...that's not realistic.
Com-plete-ly agree.
Re: Dislike A Character

MBGrissom said:
All the characters have bugged me to the point of not liking them at one time or another, but I usually like them all, overall - except Sara. Half the time she bores me, and the other half of the time she annoys me. Not good.

I have to agree with this. I'm either annoyed with Sara or wondering why she's there. Just her facial expressions most of the time make me want to get her an antidepressant prescription or get one for myself. It did seem lately she's trying to be a little less of a downer, but mostly she's annoying.

Sophia I don't like because of her attempt to cover up her accent. When she was talking about her Dad packing the family up in the RV or something and travelling around Pennsylvania I was wondering how they got it across the ocean.
I go back and forth between Warrick and Nick. I don't really hate either of them but

1. Whenever there is an episode about Nick, all this tragic stuff happens to him and we never see anything come of that - his character is stagnant

2. Warrick-centered episodes are normally interesting, but those have been few and far between and he tends to annoy me when he is a supporting character (he seems to always have to play the harsh, mean guy)

I have to say I love all the women on CSI. Sara is my favorite because we have seen so much growth in her character and watched her evolve over the last six years. Catherine is great because she is such a strong, intelligent woman. And Sofia - I know some people hate her, but she is very determined and self-assured.