Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

coolcatz said:
Fabian said:
Catherine, still.
Though I like her in Season 6, I still can't forget all her cries for attention, and her whining about all the things that are wrong in her life, but which she caused herself.

Second, Warrick. I never liked him nor hated him. I just think that he can be missed.

lmao because your description of catherine is actually a description of sara. :lol:

The difference is...Catherine chose to be a stripper...chose to do drugs...chose to marry a loser. A lot of Sara's problems stem from a childhood that certainly wasn't of her choosing. I think how that character managed to rise above all of that should be commended, as should Catherine for getting off of drugs and rising above her situation. I do have to say that Catherine was a bit of a pain in the butt last year...I just watched a rerun of King Baby and she had a crappy attitude through most of that episode. Thankfully this is not the Cath we've seen this year.
Re: Dislike A Character

actually catherine had reason to have an attitude. she is a supervisor and ecklie stepped in and gave her case to gil as if she wasn't a supervisor (part of ecklie's game with the two of them). she was supposed to be in charge of the case and she wasn't given the respect she deserved.

so what sara had a crappy childhood. a lot of people do. the difference is catherine decided to move on from her past while sara wallows in it.
Re: Dislike A Character

^^But Sara also chose to be an alcoholic, cried for attention from a man who wouldn't give her any, and chose to wallow in self pity.. And just because Cath's parents are alive, sane and rich doesn't mean that her childhood was happier than Sara's. I don't think Nick, Gil, Warrick or Greg's childhood were happy either but they turned out fine.. Either way, I hope I wont see any of that kind of Sara again, because it was downright disturbing.
Re: Dislike A Character

Hey, I really, really dislike Catherine. She uses her sexuality in completely degrading ways. There's a difference between being confident and being trashy. She's frequently bitchy and catty for no evident reason and has an air of superiority to everyone around her. She just bugs me. :(

And I wouldn't say that Sara wallows in her childhood... particularly this season we've seen her really grow and change as a character, and she is really brightening up and smiling more. Everyone's allowed to have a bad year.. Sara's gotten over hers :)
Re: Dislike A Character

^^Yeah I don't get the sexuality thing either.. ?!? because of her clothes? Uh that sounds superficial and shallow to me.
Re: Dislike A Character

coolcatz said:so what sara had a crappy childhood. a lot of people do. the difference is catherine decided to move on from her past while sara wallows in it.

First off, I don't think Sara is an alcoholic, Grissom certainly didn't. I do take issue with the idea that Sara caused her own emotional issues. She had help, but I think she's moved on from her past as well as she could. I've never heard her blame anything on her childhood. Sara managed to get a college education and then chose a career where she might actually be able to help people, so she most certainly didn't just sit and wallow. I think she deserves some credit for that. Catherine put herself through college and raised a child without much help so I definetly give her credit for that. They are both human and they BOTH make mistakes. I recognize that Sara isn't perfect, she's a multi-dimensional character as is Catherine and they both have their faults. I've enjoyed both of these women this year but I don't think its a cut and dried Cath is perfect while there is nothing redeeming about Sara...that's not realistic.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't want to note one thing in particular, nor do I want to fight with you guys :)

I just personally feel that Catherine has an aura around her of overt sexuality.. she interacts completely differently with men than she does women, and has never show herself to be above flirting with a man to get exactly what she wants. I respect women who are comfortable with their sexuality, don't get me wrong, but I also think that using "womanly wiles" to obtain a goal is very degrading to the gender. I just respect a woman who above all uses her brain and language skills before she does her pretty face. Catherine is lucky enough to have all of those things at her disposal.. She's intelligent, articulate, and beautiful. I just wish she'd focus more on the former two than the latter. I felt the same way when Sofia went and opened her blouse. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

it's not arguing, it's asking you to give specific examples of what you are talking about.

for instance, sara uses her advances to grissom as a way to ask him about her promotion. this is using sexuality in the workplace and could easily be construed as harassment under the law. she does this in at least four episodes.

having a pretty face is not a crime. arguing that a pretty face and fashionable wardrobe is using sexuality brings drags back women's rights to the early 20th century.
Re: Dislike A Character

^^But I never saw Cath flirt, undress or show her body to get the promotion from the Sheriff in S1 (temporary) and from Ecklie in S5. Even Gil said she definitely deserved the promotions (in both Seasons) and she got it by merit, not by using her body. But out of the lab though, yes she flirts and dates, I don't see anything wrong with that. But I am trying to get your point, thanks for clearing that up.
Re: Dislike A Character

Actually it was Grissom that pinned Sara against the wall during the promotion scene, not the other way. And Grissom doesn't seem to be complaining. Regardless, this is not a forum to discuss ships, just characters.

And I'm not arguing that Catherine's looks and wardrobe are "using sexuality". I never stated that. One can be beautiful and dress attractively and still come off as intelligent. I'm saying that Catherine uses her body rather than her mind to obtain an end. Now THAT is an insult to the women's lib movement.
Re: Dislike A Character

i wasn't discussing ships. and it was sara who brought on all of that pinning, putting him in that position before bringing up the promotion.

i was discussing actions and you keep saying cath does this but yet you don't provide examples. pointless argument apparently.
Re: Dislike A Character

coolcatz said:
for instance, sara uses her advances to grissom as a way to ask him about her promotion. this is using sexuality in the workplace and could easily be construed as harassment under the law. she does this in at least four episodes.

Sara wasn't making an advance towards Grissom if you're talking about the 'pin me down' scene...she was working. And while it wasn't the right time to ask about the promotion...she looked extremely uncomfortable as she asked about that so she was pretty unsure herself as to when to ask. It wasn't sexual harassment. Maybe that is just the moment she worked her courage up...again...a human being with flaws who makes mistakes and does things that they might kick themselves for later. What are the other episodes you are referring to?
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Catherine at all. YUCK!!!! Ecklie gets on my nerves. Sara well, we know what she's after. LOL!!!!!