Dislike a Ship?

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If between griss and sara all there is is a father/daughter thing than i am totally creeped out, i mean think about it, there have been a lot of GSR scenes that should not have happened if they are only supposed to be father and daughter. Whether or not GSR will happen the way we want it is the question, whether or not it exists is impossible to deny. "The Evidnece never lies" - Gil Grissom. You simply cannot deny that it is there, you can not like it, but that does not change the fact that the writers have clearly showed that GSR is not a father/daughter realtionship.
and there have been lots of scenes with sara and nick that would be creepy is they have a brother/sister relationship like people say.

basically everyone see's evidence for their ship, and discredits evidence from other ships. hell i do it all the time.

my opinion though is still that GSR is father/daughter and snickers is real luv, but hey thats my opinion. we are never going to agree.
Actually, I've seen it as very much the father/daughter or mentor/student relationship since Sara came on the show (way before I'd even heard the *term* GSR associated with them). At least that seems to be Grissom's POV.

We've seen enough statement's from writers, actors and producers on this subject that the father/daughter thing does not hold water. In the CSI Companion William P addressed many of the scenes that GSR's consider pivotal to this ship and from his point of view he is NOT playing this character from the father/daughter perspective. David Rambo...the writer of Butterflied has stated that Grissom was talking about Sara in his speech at the end. He also stated the following: "Grissom's yearning for Sara is real". I understand people not liking GSR for whatever reason ie: don't like the pairing, want to see either one of them with someone else. I'm sure there is a laundry list of reasons for each person who don't like this pairing. But I think that the father/daughter perception is only held by people who again, don't like this pair/ship. We have never seen anything from the people who work on this show that give's any indication that there is a father/daughter vibe here.

actually the commentary in butterflied is very conflicting about ships. there is just as much commentary supporting gil and catherine, if not more, in it. and honestly, it would all be a moot point if the actress who was cast as the victim had not shown up for the audition. it was because of her resemblence to jorja that the script was changed.

oh, and from the commentary itself

Carol Mendolsohn: The entire episode started out as an experiment. We Intended to do an episode of csi that was more like a play. One set Grissom and Catherine.

CM: This scene is the essences of what we intended in this episode grissom and catherine at a crime scene working alone

CM: We tried to make this particular act (act 3) ore like a play. It was supposed to be just about grissom and Catherine.

One of the guys: Sometimes eating is the most erotic thing you can show on the scene (peanut butter scene)

CM: We’ve never really seen grissom and Catherine like that it’s both intimate and familiar. And now we’re in the bedroom

One of the guys: This all came about because one of the Technical advisors talk about a case where he had spent days looking in a house for evidence but he couldn’t find it after four or five days of going back to the scene he felt he was living the victims life.
and there have been lots of scenes with sara and nick that would be creepy is they have a brother/sister relationship like people say.

basically everyone see's evidence for their ship, and discredits evidence from other ships. hell i do it all the time.

my opinion though is still that GSR is father/daughter and snickers is real luv, but hey thats my opinion. we are never going to agree.

lol, i guess we never will, i guess we will have to be mortal enimies for the rest of our lives! :D

I know what you are saying heartagram69, i think that the writers are trying to leave all options open, till they have a better feel for what they want to do(gosh, they have been at it for 6 seasons, whats taking them so long?! :D) i guess we will just have to go on reading fanfics, speculating, sitting, waiting, wishing(wait i think that is a song by jack johnson... :D) and hoping that the writers will give us what we want. (which better be GSR... :D)
and there have been lots of scenes with sara and nick that would be creepy is they have a brother/sister relationship like people say.

basically everyone see's evidence for their ship, and discredits evidence from other ships. hell i do it all the time.

my opinion though is still that GSR is father/daughter and snickers is real luv, but hey thats my opinion. we are never going to agree.

well , for me, nick and sara never has a brother/ sister relationship or it would be very very weird..... just like sara/ greg relationship or sara/ grissom relationship like CSIGRISSOM said before it looks like the writers want to let many doors open thats why we can find a lot of justification for one or another ship, the most important now is to not denial the evidence: i mean GSR shipper can't say that there nothing between sara and nick and snickers cant say that there is nothing between sara and grissom...... sara still in a lot af ship :lol:
So yeah. NOT a fan of the "GSR" thing. It's creepy and a tad incestuous. ::shudder::

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Although I am not a fan of the GSR ship, calling it "incestuous" is crossing the line, imo. Please don't go there.
actually the commentary in butterflied is very conflicting about ships. there is just as much commentary supporting gil and catherine, if not more, in it. and honestly, it would all be a moot point if the actress who was cast as the victim had not shown up for the audition. it was because of her resemblence to jorja that the script was changed.

The butterflied commentary seems in my opinion,to touch on the close friendship and working relationship that exists between GC, I heard/see no evidence there that could be construed as support for a GC ship...only a close friendship. It is beyond me that any GC shipper would want to embrace an episode that showed that GSR has two sides to it...namely Grissom's feelings for Sara. And if we are going to address what Butterflied might have been , then I think it's only fair that we would begin addressing "GumDrops", and what it would have meant if it weren't for William P's family tragedy. The spoilers for this episode showed a lot of intent on the writer's part and I'm not just talking about the YTDAW spoilers but the interview that Carol M gave to TVGuide and the comment she made after this episode aired. They were going to have them spend the night together and were it not for this tragedy, that is what would have happened. Regardless, I'm not going to sit here and defend GSR repeatedly and I don't think that's the point of this thread. We all have our opinions and I respect them, I just don't necessarily see how the father/daughter thing holds up and that was really the intent of my initial post.
no prob. but canon is only what makes it to air, not commentaries, scripts that were changed, scenes that were cut. at least in most fandoms.
I totally agree with you Coolcatz unless it makes it to air it is not canon. I will readily admit however that the Gumdrops spoilers reinforced something for me much like the Butterflied commentary reinforced something for you. In the end however, Butterflied is what it is, as is the Gumdrops episode and what might have been in either case doesn't matter.
I personally think that nobody can deny gsr...i mean it is like totally there(Love is in the air-lol)
But i mean i am not gonna deny that there aren´t snickers moments or sandle, all i am saying is that (in my opinion)gsr is the most likely to happen, and the one i would prefer(and in my opinion Sara would prefer it as well!)
So yeah. NOT a fan of the "GSR" thing. It's creepy and a tad incestuous. ::shudder::

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Although I am not a fan of the GSR ship, calling it "incestuous" is crossing the line, imo. Please don't go there.

I'll back up what lament has said 100% - banding about words such as 'incestuous' in a casual way could be taken as offensive by many members of this thread. Incest isn't something to joke about, and it certainly isn't an appropriate adjective to use in regard to any ship.

Secondly, I'll repeat that this is not a thread in which to debate the merits or lack thereof regarding the GSR ship. I appreciate that a lot of GSR shippers feel the need to defend the ship, but all it does is perpetuate the repetative argument that has been going on in here.

To non-GSR shippers, this is not exclusively a thread to talk of your dislike of that ship - there are other ships to discuss. And if you have already been in (in some cases repeatedly) to express your dislike of the ship, I see no purpose of repeating yourself again and again.

Many thanks.
I personally agree with Lament and ForensicsGirl I think we all just need to agree to disagree and not start shipper wars with eachother because honestly whats the Point
we can all go on and on about how OUR ship is the ship that will happen (be it GSR,GCR,Snickers,Yobling etc) but no one knows what the powers that be or the writers have in store for us the only ship we can be sure about AS OF right now is Tina and Warrick and sure GSRs can be adamant about saying they think GS will happen because its cute (which I disagree but thats just my opinion) and us Snickers or GCR can say the same thing but honestly right now its just all a matter of opinion
so lets just agree to disagree and leave at that
I'll back up what lament has said 100% - banding about words such as 'incestuous' in a casual way could be taken as offensive by many members of this thread. Incest isn't something to joke about, and it certainly isn't an appropriate adjective to use in regard to any ship.

I would hardly joke about such a thing or bandy the word about as a joke (as I have a good friend who was a victim of this and I saw her through a tough time dealing with it). I'm merely voicing an opinion of why the Grissom/Sara thing bothers me. It's just my view - even though they aren't *actual* father/daughter but there is the overtone (I'm not sure that's the right word....)

My post wasn't meant to offend. :( I'll go back to my corner though and shut up on the subject permenantly.
Re: worst couples !!!!

I don't think there's any Worst or Best couple, you guys just impose your opinion on other people....TPTB pairs Grissom and Sara, Warrick and Catherine, then we shouldn't say anything, because any other ships are just your fantasy, it doesn't exist at all.....I think some of you guys are addict to CSI too much.

I wanna remind you CSI is just TV show, not real life, and even if it's real life, other people can't judge other people. You can't say I hate Sara but I like Grissom, so I want Grissom choose other woman. Think about it, do you like this peeple?...When you're in love with a man or woman, some people always say bad words about him or her?.....Let the character choose himself, you don't have right to judge.

I feel ironic that some people say they love Grissom, but do you know that Grissom hate people judge him?.....those Grissom addicts are this kind of people---impose your opinions on other people and pair the ships that only exist in your own minds, making up some rumors malign those charcaters that you don't like.
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