Dislike a Ship?

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Re: worst couples !!!!

Kira Grissom, I hate to agree with you but yeah, RIGHT NOW it's only Tina/Warrick, and (Gag, Choke, Hack)Cindy/Danny.
I'll back up what lament has said 100% - banding about words such as 'incestuous' in a casual way could be taken as offensive by many members of this thread. Incest isn't something to joke about, and it certainly isn't an appropriate adjective to use in regard to any ship.

I would hardly joke about such a thing or bandy the word about as a joke (as I have a good friend who was a victim of this and I saw her through a tough time dealing with it). I'm merely voicing an opinion of why the Grissom/Sara thing bothers me. It's just my view - even though they aren't *actual* father/daughter but there is the overtone (I'm not sure that's the right word....)

My post wasn't meant to offend. :( I'll go back to my corner though and shut up on the subject permenantly.

i agree. i seriously do c a father/daughter thing, and im not joking about incest or anything, but if they got together thats how i would feel about it. it makes me shudder to think about it. i also know someone that was involved in incest and its not something to talk about lightly, but thats just what i feel about GSR
Well, I used to date a guy twice when I was 20, he was 41...do you mean I'm incestous??..... :devil:

Incest: sexual intercourse between people who are too closely related to marry------- From Oxford dictionary.

Do Sara and Grissom have a genetic connection?

Guys, you were already asked by forensicsgirl and myself to drop the discussion of incest. It's personally offensive to me, and it's really not appropriate for this thread. An age difference between two people does not equal incest.
of course its not the age difference, im quite fine with age differene in couples. thats not what i was getting at, i was getting at the relationship seems to be father/daughter, regardless of their ages.

ok and dropping the issue


there it landed in the well
ancienttomb, I don't think lament's comment was aimed at you, although it would be best if you didn't debate this issue in here - as I said before, it only perpetuates the debate.

Heartagram, when a moderator tells you to do something or not to do something, you follow their direction without argument - if you have a problem with what a moderator has told you to do, you DO NOT bring it up in the thread in question - you either go to QSF and raise it there, you PM the moderator in question or you PM TBonz. What you DO NOT do is go on and on about it in the thread.

In my last post in here, I also asked that people STOP debating this ridiculous subject. Both sides have made their point, it should not have to be repeated ad nausem. Might I remind you, Heartagram, that posting the same or close to the same message OVER and OVER again constitutes SPAMMING in the rules:

You can't post the same thing multiple times on the board, or post the same thing over and over in a certain thread or forum

lament and I resent having to come in here time and again and have what we ask of you all ignored. If things do not improve, this thread will be locked.
I don't like Grissom and Sara pairing....it's not the age difference or anything...it's just that I find it a bit weird and awkward (Just my opinion) :)
Let's look at the real ships right now. As it was mentioned above, so far we've seen Warrick/Tina and Danny/Cindy.

But, what about Stella/Frankie? Discuss something like this for a change.

Maybe won't get such obscene comments.

My feelings for the Stella/Frankie thing is ridiculous. We barely know the guy. Good Job writers. As I fan of CSI:NY I think I deserve the right to know at least a little about the guy Stella is dating.

i think that the writers are trying to leave all options open, till they have a better feel for what they want to do

That's the smartest thing I have read here so far.

I think that's a fairly safe assumption. I personally never liked the Sara/Grissom pairing. I think that it once held a good chance at being something really interesting, but I think that time has come and gone. I hate the way that Sara acts when she's around him.
Hmm, this is a good one..
Ecklie and just about anyone would be disatser, after all there just isn't room for anyone else with his ego in the room.
I also just can't do Griss and Sofia (sorry to all those out there who like this pairing). I'm a GSR personally, and I can even deal with lady Heather- at least she is mysterious and intelligent- but Sofia, while I like her character alone, is just not Griss's type!! He is the science geek, ok very sexy science geek, and she is just.. well NOT!!
I agree Ecklie and anyone would be a real bummer. But it also might be good for a laugh.

I got the perfect plan to stop the Grissom/? I'm taking him for myself and that way he can't be paired up with anyone else.:devil: :lol:
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