Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

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Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Lots of new Adam pics have been added Here:

It seems Adam has been a busy guy these few days!! Just look how great he looks in that outfit! Black is definatley his colour! I must say, it's been very quiet on here lately! lol
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

YOU were the angel that created that YouTube account? GOD BLESS YOU!

And also I thank you so much for sharing your PB account with us...all those beautiful photos of our Boricua beauty!

*big bear hugs from Florida*

Thank you, a milion times again....THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! :D :D :D :D
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Aw, what happened to all the Eric love? I figured since there was more screen time in the last ep. there would be more (love, that is). Even if most of it was spent with Tango.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

OK, this is my first post...hopefully I do it right.

Anyway, I told my friend I have a crush on Adam and she tells me her friend is friends with him and has pics on his page. I go and look, and there is Adam at a wedding. I cut the pic so it is just Adam ( I don't think it would be right to put the others here ) and here it is and he looks GORGEOUS! Anyway, I asked her to hook me up with more pics, and his number, we'll see what she's able to do! ENJOY! ;)

I couldn't get it to show up, so I had to add a link instead...

Adam at a Wedding
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Thanks for the pic Yankeeaholic and welcome! Adam looks great - and I'm loving the stubble. :D

You can only post a picture as an image once you reach 100 posts. :)
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Lucy said:
Thanks for the pic Yankeeaholic and welcome! Adam looks great - and I'm loving the stubble. :D

You can only post a picture as an image once you reach 100 posts. :)

Glad you liked the pic! Thanks for the info., I guess I'll have to start posting a lot more. ;)
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

So is Eric even getting a storyline this season? Since all the characters are taking out restraining orders all of a sudden, he should take one against Natalia. She can't come within 100 feet of him, and he'll have like a group of pitbulls following him around in case she does.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

OK, I know this isn't about how hot Adam is, but I have a question. Natalia's husband dropped the restraining order, why doesn't she just turn around and get one against him?! They would award her one, as he abused her in the past. If I were her, I'd convince him to drop it, as she did, and turn around and get one myself.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Because she's stupid?

No seriously, I think it's because it... no, she's just stupid.

Hands off our Delko, evil woman!
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Are they even going to address how he is going to deal with his sister's death? He seems fine to me...

I know that he dealt with Speed's death by sleeping around with other women, but...I don't know they writer's seem too focus on the Natalia story line.. :rolleyes:
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

He seems kinda miserable, actually, but I think that's an Adam thing. I don't think it's in the script. I don't trust the writers to inject that much realism into their storylines. Plus, Adam seems to like doing his own thing, like he said he always makes E/C scenes flirty on purpose.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

These photos were actually posted by me a few months ago! High Quality versions can be found here: HQ Adam Pics

As some people keep taking photos from Adam's OFFICIAL Yahoo Group and website (justadam), please ask permission first and give credit. By not asking permission it makes it very hard to be able to add new photos.
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