Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools You!

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Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I think it's because of the way he is. He's very secretive. Even now, he doesn't seem to exhibit any depression symptoms. We, the audience, are privy to it because we see him all the time, but at the lab, all he has to do is smile once at Calleigh, smile at Ryan, smile at Horatio and no one will suspect a thing.

Depression is a serious issue and it's not always very noticeable. How many times have you heard of someone who killed themselves, and their friends had no idea that person was depressed? Eventually, if the writers are smart, it'll blow over. IF the writers are smart. 'If' is the key word.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

That's a pretty big IF. I really hope it does. I miss the old Eric, and I'd really like to have him back.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Well, I think they've beat up the guy so much in the last couple of seasons that we can never have the old Eric back. First, they killed his best friend. Then, they sent him on an emotionally destructive path. They discredited his character. Then, they killed his sister. The guy can't catch a break. I know Horatio gets a lot of tragedies thrown at him, but Horatio's used to tragedy. Eric used to be a fun, happy guy and then it's like the writers pushed him to a wall and emotionally raped him, and now he's barely going through the motions.

But it's possible that he can be happy again. He's matured a lot, but that doesn't mean he has to turn into Horatio (god, no!). Personally, my only hope is that they stop with the whole manwhore thing. I hope they have. Doesn't look like he's seen anyone since Natalia.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Turn into Horatio? Oh God. Anything but that, please. You are right, he's been through too much to truely go back to his old self. But... I'd like to see him *genuinely* smile once in a while. Maybe crack a few jokes with Ryan the way he used to with Speed. Maybe a girlfriend would do him some good too (so long as it isn't NBV), though I doubt he's ready for that at this point. I think a hug from Calleigh would do him some good, too. And I mean that in the least shippery sense possible.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Oh god I hate the pairing of him and Calleigh. But a hug from her would do him some good. It would be so wonderful if Eric could maybe just finally completely warm up to Ryan. I mean, of course it would be hard since it'd may be in his sense "replacing Speed". Maybe he just can't stand his bitchy attitued Ryan ahs developed lately.

I miss the old Delko too. Him and his club-hopping-one-nighters-are-sweet self. He was such a college boy. I think of the whole team as a family. Horatio the father, Alexx acts like such a mother it's sweet, Ryan and Eric as sons, Calleigh as the daughter, Tripp is an uncle, Valera as maybe a cousin or another daughter-- they're so there for each other.

I want to see Delko's family also. Marisol was so pretty! I want to know what his parents look like.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I don't think Eric will ever completely warm up to Ryan. Their personalities don't seem to match. Eric is more of a Horatio type (ugh) while Ryan can be a bit of a dick sometimes. I think Eric dislikes Ryan for the same reasons he disliked Hagen. For example, both Hagen and Ryan insulted Calleigh's dad, right to Calleigh's face. There's the same traces of arrogance and callousness. I don't think Eric would ever do such a thing, because for once he knows Calleigh better and he places a great importance on family. I think Eric tolerates him, and there are times when they can have fun together, but more often than not, Ryan will say something that pisses Eric off and they'll go back to square one. I don't mind, actually. Not everyone gets along in real life. I'm not sure I'd like Ryan, either. To this day, I find the Eric/Ryan relationship one of the most interesting.

That's funny, cause I don't see the Miami team as a family at all. I do see the Vegas and NY teams as such, though. But if Horatio were the dad, he would be the worst dad in the world. He's never there for his team. He's too self-involved. He's an absent dad, really. I see the Miami team as more of a dysfunctional family, with Alexx as the single mom, working too many hours and being away from home while the kids get into trouble. Even so, I don't really get a sibling vibe between Ryan, Eric, and Calleigh. Well, I get a sibling vibe between Calleigh and Ryan, but not between Eric and Calleigh or Eric and Ryan. For the most part, Eric seems like a loner.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I actually like that Eric and Ryan don't get along. For one thing, it's more realistic. Not all teams get along so well. And it adds a different element to the show. They've learned to tolerate each other for the sake of their jobs, but they could never be friends. Their personalities would never allow it. The miami team used to be closer, but starting with Speeds death, they have drifted apart. Ryan never got to be apart of that. If Marisol had died in season two, I'm sure that Calleigh would have hugged Eric when he got the news, instead of just standing there saying that she's sorry. But that's just my oppinion.
At the moment, Eric does seem like a loner, sort of an... outsider is not quite the word I'm looking for, but it'll do. But I think he's doing a lot of that on purpose, distancing himself. Kind of a defense mechanism. He's afraid of loosing someone else.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

That's a good theory. After all, they shot Speed on the job, they shot Marisol while he was working, they shot him as well. It's frightening how easy I can see Eric quitting this job because he thinks it's too much. I just hope he doesn't, cause he's my favorite.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I'd be crushed if Eric left the show :( It's bad enough that Rory left. I might actually stop watching if Adam left too. There'd be nothing left. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like the other characters, but I can't stand it when shows end up replacing the entire cast. It's not the same show anymore. Not saying that two characters are the entire cast... but you get my point.
I love Eric.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I'd stop watching, too. There's actually not much to tune into right now. Every episode is just like the last one, with the same people working together, the same stupid lines, the same predictable conclusions... I like Eric's humanity, which I'm nearly positive is an Adam thing, and with that gone, the show would just be a really bad comic strip.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Yeah. I can see the whole distancing thing.

I wonder what Delko does when he gets home. If he's depression, would he just watch TV and binge? I guess you really need to be creative. It's be neat if they could show at least one of the team members at home and react to something.

I'd cry my eyes out if Eric quit/Adam left!!! I'd... oh my god- I don't even want to think about it. I'd still watch the show though but be pained while watching it. It obviously wouldn't be the same. He;s my favorite too.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

_ransom said:
I'd cry my eyes out if Eric quit/Adam left!!! I'd... oh my god- I don't even want to think about it. I'd still watch the show though but be pained while watching it. It obviously wouldn't be the same. He;s my favorite too.
It's a scary thought, isn't it? *sigh*
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

I don't think they'll follow the manwhore route again, because it's been done, and turning him into a drinker/drug abuser would just be ridiculous and Lifetime-ish. My guess is he just works a lot. Working is a good distraction.

Of course, that's assuming there's a problem. With these writers, they probably just forget to write Delko scenes.
Re: Delko Drool Thread #6 -- In Soviet Russia, Delko Drools

Imagine never seeing this face again:

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