Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

Here's what Wikipedia says about canon:

A canon, in terms of a fictional universe, is a body of material that is considered to be "genuine" or "official".
The use of the word "canon" in reference to a set of texts derives from Biblical canon, the set of books which are regarded as scripture. The term was first used in the context of fiction to refer to the Sherlock Holmes stories and novels written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to distinguish those works from subsequent pastiches by other authors. It has subsequently been applied to many media franchises, in particular science fiction franchises such as Star Trek and Star Wars, in which many stories have been told in different media, some of which contradict or appear to contradict each other.

Hope ^^that^^ helps on what "canon" means.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

Ok, I think canon ships are actually relationships on the show. So as much as I disagree with it and totally don't see it, GSR was cannon.

If they didn't cut out the Catherine/Nick scene, then they would have been cannon too. Though for how long, who knows.

I like Praetor's term 'quasi-canon' because you've seen flirting, attraction, etc., but not a real couple. These would be Catherine/Grissom, Grissom/Lady Heather (though I am sure he slept with her), Nick/Catherine, Greg/Sara, Greg/every female he has flirted with in the lab :lol:, Catherine/Warrick.

Canon only in people's dreams and not actually on the show: nick/greg, nick/grissom (only in my fanfics and those I read), nick/warrick, catherine/greg, warrick/greg, brass/sophia, grissom/teri (though could be a quasi-cannon), etc. etc. I call these fanfic cannon's :lol: because really, that's the only place they actually happen or have happened. :lol:

As for Catherine and Vartann, I don't think they're cannon just yet, as well as, Hodges/Wendy. I think they're teetering in the quasi-cannon category and tilting toward the cannon category.

Ok, now that I'm thoroughly confused, I'll go back to my padded room. :lol:
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I don't know Grissom briefly dated Teri, so wouldn't be somewhat canon? I mean, not a canon relationship, but a canon date. :lol:
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I think on CSI a canon 'couple' is one that has been pointedly and 'officially' revealed by the writers, and not just hinted at. The scene at the end of season 6 was the canon moment for GSR, even though there had been many hints before that. So, for me, this scene set a precedent for how CSI 'reveals' (official) canon couples.
Catherine and Eddie were obviously canon in the early years, but I would say that Vartillows is still 'to be determined', as Catherine stated in an earlier episode; and Wedges is heavily implied but has not been officially revealed. It does sound like we will get some type of canon reveal for these two couples in the finale, going by CM's comments.
So, I would say that GSR for the moment is the only canon couple, except for the other married characters, of course. In my mind there is a difference in canon 'couples' and canon 'relationships', because all the characters on the show, and some of the guest stars, have some type of relationship with each other. But, a canon 'ship' does not necessarily have to be a canon 'couple', I guess, if you think of it in that context.
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Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

What I see is cannon is yea, the end of season 6 when Gil and Sara were in the bedroom. That to me solidified their relationship and they were actually a couple.

As for the quasi part, well there are lot of them that could have been a or are on the brink of being a couple with the flirting and the deep attraction.

Such as;

Catherine and Warrick. I didn't really like this pairing but there was a very high level of attraction between them. Had they worked as a cannon couple? I don't know.

Catherine/Gil. Again a high level of attraction and familiarity and comfort. They worked together great had a great amount of respect for each other. I think the fact there were also great friends made it easy for them to get a long and fight as well. This is one couple that falls into the quasi cannon because of all I stated above. Had they worked in the long run??? again we don't know.

Gil/LH. Another high level of attraction and respect. He found ways to see her, even when he was seeing Sara. I really like this pair. As for cannon, no. Only because we never really knew what happened in Lady Heather's box. I'm going with the NO he didn't sleep with her, but that's me.
This is one couple that I think would have made it in the long run. Heather didn't work at the lab, she had no ties to it. They both respected each other's work and she wouldn't have to be in every episode.

Catherine/Vartann. I'm not sure they are a cannon couple. It's close enough though. She said in The Panty Sniffer, "You never talked about your son." To me, that says that they have talked a lot to each other. But also in the same episode, he said she wasn't a cheap date. So things are just casual. They haven't gone out on a full blown date where he takes her somewhere? Or perhaps they have and Cath was just pointing out her preference? ;)
I also have to add that they are very comfortable around each other. There is a huge level of attraction and when he did kiss her, she got into it and smirked about it afterword. So, I think they are on the 'brink' of becoming a full blown cannon couple. I guess we'll find out in the finale.

Hodges and Wendy. Again a huge level of attraction and respect masked in Hodges snarky remarks. Wendy seems to dish them out just as well though.These two are like teenagers that can't quite admit they have feelings for each other. That's what makes it fun. As for them being a cannon couple, well I said before, it could work. The kiss between them cemented their attraction for one another. They don't have to be on the same episode. Wendy was in The Panty Sniffer and Hodges wasn't.
So I'm putting them also in the 'not quite there' category.

Also, that being said. How would all this work in the lab next season?
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

To me a canon couple is the official moment when two characters officially say that they are together. This doesn't include hinting at either because hinting for a pair of characters can be everything from playful bantering to sleeping together becuase there's only one bed available. A lot of writers, me included, will use relationship teasers to keep the audience interested to read the next chapter or watch the next episode. In the CSI universe this is definately used. For example,

Wedges(Wendy and Hodges)-This couple is never going to happen without some drastic change to the lab. Wendy would either have to become a CSI or Hodges would have to leave the lab for another shift. But this couple is constantly being alluded to by the writers because of the amount of fans that have become invested in the two characters getting together. And if the fans are happy ratings tend to go up, usually.

Vartann and Catherine-I really don't understand all of the hubbub going on over this pairing. I feel like this relationship is just being force fed down CSI fans throats. It's too rushed. This isn't Melrose Place or Gossip Girl after all, this is CSI. Home to GSR, the couple that took 8 years to officially get together and 10 years to get married. If the writers want to give Catherine some romance don't just throw a random person her way and hope for the best. Catherine deserves a little bit more respect than that in my opinion.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I think that a couple becomes canon when something very concrete happens between them that solidifies all the hinting that may have come before. Like a kiss, a bedroom scene, or a love confession. For example, there was a lot of heavy hinting for two seasons that there was an attraction/feelings between Eric and Cal in Miami. However it wasn't until they kissed that I thought of them as canon.

I consider Wendy and Hodges canon because there has been a lot of concrete evidence (not just hinting) that there is an attraction between them. They have kissed and they have said to each other that there is something more than friendship in what they feel toward the other. For me that's canon because the writers have been forward with what they are doing with the couple and it's not concealed anymore behind "could be or could be not". Even if they are not officially together they are officially outed by the writers, if that makes sense :lol: I guess for me it becomes canon the moment it stops being an "are they or are they not" couple. Even if they are not officially together, it's clear that the writers are writing romantic, coupley stuff for them. This is so much clearer in my head, sorry :lol:.

Vartann and Catherine-I really don't understand all of the hubbub going on over this pairing. I feel like this relationship is just being force fed down CSI fans throats. It's too rushed. This isn't Melrose Place or Gossip Girl after all, this is CSI. Home to GSR, the couple that took 8 years to officially get together and 10 years to get married. If the writers want to give Catherine some romance don't just throw a random person her way and hope for the best. Catherine deserves a little bit more respect than that in my opinion.

I don't find the relationship too rushed because it has only been showcased in two episodes (pretty far apart from each other) and it's not even 100% clear what kind of relationship they have and for how long it's been going on. There's certainly an attraction and I think it's safe to assume they've been talking more than before, because of what they discussed in the P. Sniffer, but not much else. I think that CSI doesn't have another 8 years to build another relationship and that they don't need another 8 years to build this one. I think Catherine has had her share of bad relationships and that Vartann is not some random guy who just appeared in her life. He's actually a pretty decent guy whom she's known for quite some time now. They probably discovered after around 5 years of working together that there could be something more and the idea appealed to both of them so they are exploring what could be. This is just my opinion of course :).
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I like them together. I don't think he's a random character, he's been on the show since season 4.

He and Cath did have quite a few good scenes together, before they were even thought of as a romantic couple.

He knows about the long hours being a cop himself. He knows about being a parent and how exhausting, time consuming and rewarding it can be. He knows about the lab and how things work. He knows that Cath has a lot more responsibilities at the lab as well.

To me, the episode with the horrible name was a great example of them getting to know each other and the attraction they have for one another. They said things without saying them you know. That to me says that they are 'into' each other, but also that they have spent time outside of the lab talking to one another.

I also wanted to add, yea. Gil and Sara had 8 years to build up their relationship. I get that. I think Catherine and Lou (please change his name back to Tony) have had an attraction before they were a romantic couple They don't have 8 more years to build this up. CSI isn't going to be on the air that long. :lol:

So, is it offical? Are Catherine and Vartann cannon?
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Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I like them together. I don't think he's a random character, he's been on the show since season 4.

He and Cath did have quite a few good scenes together, before they were even thought of as a romantic couple.

He knows about the long hours being a cop himself. He knows about being a parent and how exhausting, time consuming and rewarding it can be. He knows about the lab and how things work. He knows that Cath has a lot more responsibilities at the lab as well.

To me, the episode with the horrible name was a great example of them getting to know each other and the attraction they have for one another. They said things without saying them you know. That to me says that they are 'into' each other, but also that they have spent time outside of the lab talking to one another.

I also wanted to add, yea. Gil and Sara had 8 years to build up their relationship. I get that. I think Catherine and Lou (please change his name back to Tony) have had an attraction before they were a romantic couple They don't have 8 more years to build this up. CSI isn't going to be on the air that long. :lol:

So, is it offical? Are Catherine and Vartann cannon?

Firstly, don't talk about CSI...taking an "extended break". That's like that pink elephant in the room that everyone ignores until it breaks something valuable like your grandmother's urn.:lol:

I don't think Catherine and Vartann are canon in terms of CSI speaking. To me canon on CSI is the actual reveal that the two characters are together romantically. Since the writers have yet to do that with Catherine and Vartann...the verdict is still out on that one. If this were some show on the CW then yes, they're together.:)

I don't like Lou either. Lou just reminds me of that grubby guy that lives in the hotel next to the train tracks and never talks to anyone except Frank, his pet rabbit...not a good mental picture.:lol:
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

On this subject I always saw Cath with Warrick, together he's the one who brought out the best in her and visa versa, if they hadn't of killed him off, I thought they'd end up together. They were a perfect match. To me it seems like Vartann is 2nd place, cause' she's still mourning over Warrick. Also Warrick was intense, sexy, handsome and exciting, none of which Vartann is. And he is to me, blah and boring. She's a hot potato and he's not, They're too different. But again too each one's own~
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Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I like both couples and while I think Yobling is exciting and sexy,I would prefer Vartan for the long run.He is more reliable and Catherine deserves someone that she can count on at this point.She is supervisor and has to balance that with being a single mother.And IMO Vartan and Catherine can be sexy as well.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I was actually a Grillows fan from the getgo. They were my very first CSI franchise ship. I just loved their chemistry and the way he became more playful with her. They just got each other, IMO. Then when I realized it wasn't gonna happen I paid more attention to Warrick and Cath and they really grew on me. They had this hot, sexy chemistry that was great to watch. So then they killed Warrick and Vartann comes along. I like the potential and frankly to me they look great together. I agree that they are sexy as well.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I like both couples and while I think Yobling is exciting and sexy,I would prefer Vartan for the long run.He is more reliable and Catherine deserves someone that she can count on at this point.She is supervisor and has to balance that with being a single mother.And IMO Vartan and Catherine can be sexy as well.

I loved Yobling. That was like the first ship I was really passionate about besides Grillows. But Vartann's sexiness is so understated. Warwick had his eyes, his voice, his whole demeanor just screamed sexy. Vartann is just so plain Jane when compared to the fire Yobling had. Vartann is just too much like a bagel without the cream cheese. You can eat it just fine but it's missing something.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I agree,AFIS,Yobling was really hot.That scene where she almost falls and he catches her is one of my favorites of all ships.But I am not sure how it would have worked for the long run.

I am surprised on how many people liked Grissom and Catherine.There was obviously chemistry but I never saw romance.But again , the only person I can match him is Lady Heather.
Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par

I loved Grissom and LH. They were my OTP. :D

I also really really like Grissom and Catherine. They were also a good match.
(I ship Catherine with a lot of people since she has chemistry with everybody. :) )

YoBling, I saw the chemistry but like you said electra, I'm not sure it would have worked in the long run.

I have always thought Vartann was ubersexy! :drool: His is just very understated. Catherine oozes sex appeal so they do make a very sexy couple. They are both very nice to look at.

TPTB also are making them have more in common with him having a grown son, so they can have more to talk about.

Also, they are not 20 any more. It makes it more natural when we see them talking about their kids and such versus the 'going at each other' if you know what I mean. Although the kiss was very hot and they both enjoyed it. ;)