Going back to the Karla Holmoka(sp?) case, I do believe that is TOTALLY unjust and the Canadian government does drive me nuts. (Not saying I hate you, Canada...*hugs the floor) BUT, you guys are all for giving her the needle.
I'm not. Incredibly, my morals lie with actually NOT killing people.
Funny, eh? But, you know, it's my heart talking hear. Glad I know some people weren't born with one round here. (Don't kill me for saying that. Even heartless people can kill efficiently.) I do find it unjust that we pay so much money just so prisoners can have the time of their life in jail, and I do think it's unjust that some people are released on parole on SICK SICK crimes.
What if jail had the simplest things? Would you still kill? POSSIBLE food 3 times a day. A nice hard bed to wreck your back. And a toilet. There, a person can live about 20 years like that. That's my perfect jail. But in the meantime till that happens, let's not try and kill off as many people as we can. Because really, there are a lot more people that are sick out there. They just keep coming.
I have heard of the Bernardo/Holmoka case, and yes I do agree with you that she does not deserve freedom. Wasn't one of those killed her own little sister?
I still feel no sympathy for the drug dealer that was killed in Singapore. You feel no sympathy for his victims, the people he was going to poison, ruin their lives and in the end possibly kill, so that he could get some money. You say that it is their own fault if they get hooked on drugs, drugs he might be selling to eight year olds. Yet you deplore the fact that he was caught with the drugs and the country he was caught in carried out a death sentence.
What heartgram meant (or what I interpreted it as- sorry if I got it wrong) is that there are probably more cases MUCH worse that should, in other people's opinions, get the death penalty. There are worse things going on.
I feel very offended that you don't think I can understand heartgram's thoughts here. I do understand, I just don't agree with her later comments, or the fact that she believes that this drug dealer was an innocent, yet the people he sells his poison to are worthless and deserve to die.
I'm not stupid at all, and even if that was not what you were trying to imply, that is how I felt when you wrote that comment.
What gets me is that the man who was killed in Singapore was bringing back drugs to her country, and therefore he was going to spread his poison to her countrymen, something she thinks is a okay, apparently, since she feels it is the drug addicts fault if they get hooked on what he is selling and if they die then it is not his fault for selling it to them.
That's incredibly cold and rather contradictory to me. It's barbaric to put some one to death for violating the very harsh laws of the country he was caught in, yet it is not barbaric that this person was willing to sell death to people for profit in the first place?
I'm sorry, but I don't buy into that train of thought.
A drug dealer sells death, and a good portion of the time they sell it too children because they need to expand their sales and make money somehow, especially if the addicts OD or end up in jail.
And apparently this genius who went to Singapore of all places to procure his drugs of choice, most likely something like heroin or coke, since Meth can be made at home, found himself in a dire situation because he got caught with the crap on him. IN SINGAPORE.
A place where they caned that American kid for graffiti. Caning is not a light light love tap with a stick. It a pretty savage beating. I don't know about you, but I would never want to be caned. Remember they beat a kid with a stick for
Graffiti, a misdemeanor here in the US. So why would anyone really be surprised that the laws in Singapore on drug trafficking are extreme?
I'm not.
But I still feel no sympathy for drug dealers on a whole. To me, the man executed was nothing more than filth anyway. I cannot mourn the death of someone who knowingly causes deaths of others by dealing drugs, ruins the lives of whole families, all for a profit. I don't mourn for him anymore than I would a cockroach that I stepped on.
Call me cold, so be it.
I'm not on drugs, and never have been, I've never harned anyone intentionally. I've worked since I got out of school. I'm an average, law abiding American citizen with an opinion.
Your mileage may vary.